What is Hamilton Community Foundation? This video explains in 99 seconds.
中华人民共和国外国伋业所得税法施行细则(附英文):1982-2-21 · (一九八二年二月十七日国务院批准)第一条本细则依据《中华人民共和国外国伋业所得税法》(伍下简称税法)第十八条的规定制定。第二条税法第一条所说的设立机构,是指外国伋业在中国境内设有从事生产、经营的机构、场所或营业伋理人。
Donations to the Foundation are invested for the long term in public markets and in alternative investments. Investment income is then allocated annually to support granting, community leadership and operations. The summary and charts presented here provide both a financial snapshot and a history of recent activity that underlies the grants and community leadership activities represented in this annual report, made possible by remarkable donors.
Donations to the Foundation are from individuals, corporations and other charities. Donors may contribute to named endowment or flowthrough funds, to the Board-directed Community Fund, or to HCF’s community leadership projects.
The $35.1 million in donations this year is the second highest total in HCF’s history. Annual donations are influenced by the timing of the realization of donations in wills and significant one-time donations like the $27.7 million in donations of property and private equity. As illustrated in Chart 1, annual donations have ranged between $3.2 and $35.1 million over the past eight years. The five-year rolling average of donations ranges from $5.0 million to $13.3 million over the past eight years.
The five-year rolling average number of donations is 1,787 with 2023-20 at 1,853. The number of donations fluctuates based on “in memoriam” donations and the number and nature of events sponsored by donors to raise money for their funds.
Grants are made annually from both endowed and flowthrough funds. Because flowthrough fund balances are distributed in a shorter time period, granting from these funds can materially influence HCF’s total annual amount granted.
As illustrated in Chart 2, grants and community leadership project spending over the past eight years has ranged from $4.7 million to this year’s historic high of $11.5 million. Granting from endowment funds was reduced in 2013 as a result of the decline in investment returns in 2012 which a) lowered the asset base used for the granting calculation (currently four percent of the fund balances), and b) resulted in less income available to grant. Flowthrough granting and expenditures on community leadership projects has ranged from 22 to 56 percent of total granting in any given year and is dependent on the timing and nature of flowthrough and project activity. At 893, the number of grants for this year is 37 percent higher than the eight-year average.
Investments traded in active markets are reported at fair market value. Investments not actively traded are recorded at their cost less any impairment of their value.
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HCF invests according to policy guidelines established by the Board of Directors. Two committees of the Board oversee investments to ensure compliance with the policy:
As an endowment builder, HCF’s policy focuses on long-term investing and is supported by reserve accounts that are currently at their policy maximum.
The investment policy sets out a total portfolio target asset mix, as well as a range around these targets. The public market investment managers have mandates within this targeted asset mix and use their discretion to invest the portfolios within this range. Chart 3 reflects the current and target asset mix. Note: $25 million of private equity relates to a fund established by a donor and is not part of the asset mix or the consolidated portfolio results.
Chart 3
Two long-term portfolios are invested in the public markets with Jarislowsky Fraser, and Connor, Clark & Lunn. Chart 4 compares those portfolios against benchmarks as follows:
Benchmarks reflect the performance of each market index based on HCF’s specific target asset mix. Comparing actual results to the benchmark measures the value added by investment managers compared to the average market performance. HCF’s investment policy target is a long-term investment return in the 6.5 to 7.5 percent range.
Chart 4
The effect of the global pandemic has materially affected investment returns, resulting in a -8.4 percent public market return for the year. The seven-year annualized return at 6.8 percent is within the targeted investment policy range and is 1.2 percent higher than the 5.6 percent benchmark. As noted in the financial highlights, the current 10-year annualized return of 7.0 percent is in the target range and is higher than the benchmark by 1.2 percent.
Impact investments enable donations to endowed funds to drive positive change beyond granting, because they represent investments of capital that deliver financial returns coupled with positive social and/or environmental outcomes. In addition, these investments provide a pool uncorrelated to the public markets which, in turn, buffers the portfolio from the volatility currently experienced.
More than 15 percent of our long-term assets are in impact investments. Chart 5 illustrates HCF’s impact investing progress over the past five years, with $25 million currently placed or outstanding and another $15 million committed. This brings the total commitment to $40 million, up from $34 million last year. Impact investments cover areas including affordable housing, arts, environment and sustainable development.
Chart 5
Local loans since inception total $9.7 million with $7.1 million outstanding at year end. Chart 6 shows the impact areas our loans have supported. Since the loan program’s 2012 inception, $2.6 million in loan principal has been repaid and recycled as new loans. In addition, the interest from these loans supports HCF granting.
Chart 6
IRP is a Government of Canada program being delivered nationally by partners including Community Foundations of Canada. As the first phase in the government’s long-term investment in social finance, the IRP’s goal is to make social-purpose organizations “investment ready” so they can make a difference in new and innovative ways through their participation in the social finance market. HCF has partnered with community foundations in London and Niagara, and the McMaster Innovation Park to manage the program regionally on behalf of Community Foundations of Canada. The first request for proposals for funding in January created enormous interest nationally and garnered 65 submissions to our regional partnership. Approved funding is expected to be released in June 2023. As an additional benefit, the IRP brought a growing number of potential opportunities for local loans to HCF’s attention.
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Chart 7
Operating expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 total $2.5 million and were 2.5 percent higher than last year. Staffing costs related to the Foundation’s 22 employees represent 70 percent of HCF operating costs.
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Charts 8 and 9
The Foundation’s annual development expenses are not necessarily attributable to the donations received in that year. The nature of donations to the Foundation can result in costs preceding the receipt of the donation by several years (for example, donations through wills). As a result, consistent with the community foundation sector, operating costs are evaluated by a ratio of total operating expenses to average total assets. Ratios fall within a range depending on the size and stage of the community foundation’s development.
Management considers the ratio of 1.26 percent (1.25 percent in 2023), as illustrated in Chart 10, to be within an acceptable range for a foundation of HCF’s size, stage and level of community leadership, compared against benchmarks established in the community foundation sector. We continue to monitor both the actual results and the benchmarks on an ongoing basis.
Chart 10
Hamilton Community Foundation’s total assets of $201 million at March 31, 2023 include balances of HCF funds and funds held on behalf of others at $1.7 million.
Hamilton Community Foundation’s fund balances, illustrated in Chart 11, represent accumulated donations plus the net investment earnings on these donations, minus granting and operating costs. Funds include both endowed and flowthrough funds. Endowed funds are held permanently and grant from investment earnings. Flowthrough funds are fully distributed as grants over a pre-determined term.
Chart 11
The fund balances have grown 55 percent to $198 million at the year ended March 31, 2023 from $128 million in 2013. Donations of $35.1 million included $4.4 million in flowthrough donations that were largely distributed as grants in the year and, as a result, do not remain in the fund balances at year end. This results in a modest total funds balance growth of 4.8 per cent for the year. The number of funds has grown 19 percent to 377 from 318 in 2013.
Community leadership projects
These projects include HCF’s own community leadership activity, as well as projects where we act as an intermediary to assemble funding for multi-organizational community initiatives. The projects may span multiple years, and are funded by new donations as well as by Board-directed funds. Current year funders are AbleLiving Services Inc., City of Hamilton, Community Foundations of Canada, The Fairmount Foundation, Green Shield Canada, Hamilton Family Health Team, Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, McMaster University, Saint Elizabeth Health Care, St. Joseph’s Health System, Thrive Group.
Leadership project costs include research, community consultation, meeting costs, education and communication materials. Spending for 2023-20 is:
ABACUS: Advancing post-secondary access | 227,668 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 70,561 |
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Hamilton Anchor Institution Leadership Table | 165,150 |
Student success initiatives | 21,463 |
Other leadership projects | 22,572 |
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In mid-March, HCF’s Board established its Pandemic Response Fund with an initial $2 million commitment, underpinned by a strategy that would enable:
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This work formed the starting point for the three ongoing streams of the fund:
Meeting basic needs (Short-term)
Providing basic needs related to food security, shelter, hygiene.
Stabilization (Short- to medium-term)
Supporting charities to deliver frontline, critical services to vulnerable populations affected by quarantine, closures, shortages, access to services, loss of income, or other economic factors. This stream aims to maintain or expand local capacity to address all aspects of the outbreak as efficiently as possible, and help close gaps where services are not covered by government relief funding.
Recovery and rebuilding (Medium- to long-term)
Recognizing that the recovery from this crisis will extend far into the foreseeable future, this stream will enable the Foundation’s continued flexibility and responsiveness to Hamilton’s evolving needs, with the goal of strengthening its long-term resilience.
Beyond our direct support through the Pandemic Response Fund, we are shaping our existing leadership priorities to the city’s new and emerging realities in multiple ways, including:
Increasing the likelihood that young Hamiltonians will participate in university, college or the trades is a critical community investment that can have a positive impact on people, neighbourhoods and our city. HCF supports education in numerous ways, through our ABACUS initiative and beyond.
HCF is supporting its ABACUS grantees and other education organizations in Hamilton to best serve their communities through the pandemic. We surveyed our 23 ABACUS grantees to understand how they are responding to COVID-19, physical distancing measures and online schooling. Based on their responses HCF has been working with them to:
We continue to listen and learn from our grantees to be flexible in supporting middle-school-aged youth and their broader community.
The Foundation’s longstanding commitment to neighbourhoods has focused in recent years on small grants that promote health equity and leadership development. Over the last year, HCF conducted a pilot on new ways of delivery that would expand the reach of its grants. We also conducted a community scan to understand better, what residents would like to learn more about to support their community work. While both these projects are temporarily paused, the research will help to inform how the Foundation continues to support healthy, inclusive neighbourhoods in a post-pandemic reality.
Engaging, learning from and working with Indigenous communities
In October 2023, HCF’s Board of Directors made a commitment to strengthen the Foundation’s relationship with Indigenous communities as part of its work towards truth and reconciliation. We recognize that the Foundation’s history and current operations are connected to Canada’s colonial history and current context. To be partners, the Foundation must start, at all levels of our organization, by working alongside Indigenous communities and organizations to explore how we grant, invest and convene across our community.
HCF has strong relationships with several local Indigenous organizations and leaders, and supports multiple Indigenous-led initiatives through granting and impact investing. HCF is now working to build our response both to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action and to the unique needs of this community, especially as a result of COVID-19.
as at March 31, 2023
Terry Cooke
President & CEO
Jill Anderson
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Annette Aquin, CPA, CA
Executive Vice-President, Finance & Operations
Sharon Charters
Manager, Grants
Grace Diffey, APR, FCPRS
Vice-President, Community Relations
Allan Enriquez
Administrator, Philanthropic Services
Sarah Glen
Manager, Community Initiatives
Matt Goodman
中华人民共和国外国伋业所得税法施行细则(附英文):1982-2-21 · (一九八二年二月十七日国务院批准)第一条本细则依据《中华人民共和国外国伋业所得税法》(伍下简称税法)第十八条的规定制定。第二条税法第一条所说的设立机构,是指外国伋业在中国境内设有从事生产、经营的机构、场所或营业伋理人。
Lisa Habisreutinger
Receptionist/Foundation Support Assistant
Tami Henderson
Administrative Assistant, Grants
Jake How
Melissa Klaver
Corporate Secretary/Executive Assistant, President & CEO
Angel Li
Senior Accountant
Shylah MacIntyre
Senior Philanthropic Services Officer
Sheree Meredith
Advisor, Philanthropic Services
Michael Parente
Jen Pearson
ABACUS Project Manager
Katherine Roy
Scholarship and Bursary Project Lead
Lorraine Valmadrid
Learning & Evaluation Lead
Tracy Varcoe
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Yulena Wan, CPA, CA
Manager, Corporate Services
Yvonne Yeoh
Executive Assistant, Finance & Operations
Hamilton Community Foundation’s work is supported by both standing committees of the Board of Directors and board advisory committees. Membership of the board advisory committees includes both board members and a wide range of community volunteers whose expertise we rely on and appreciate. Standing committees of the board include: Governance & Board Effectiveness, Finance & Investment, and the Impact Investment Committee.
Audit Committee
Chaney-Ensign Bursary Fund
Community Fund
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Edith H. Turner Foundation Fund
Finance & Investment Committee
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Impact Investment Committee
McCallum, McBride Fund Advisory Committee
Nomination Committee
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Bob Savage
VP, Manufacturing, ArcelorMittal Dofasco (retired)
Board Chair
Teresa Smith
President, Hamilton General Hospital (retired)
Past Chair
Dr. Maroussia Ahmed
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of French, McMaster University
Advocate, Community Engagement and Media
Dr. Juliet Daniel
Professor, Department of Biology, McMaster University
Brooke Eady, CHRP
President, Broadcast Services International
Sandra Edrupt
General Manager, Strategy & Business Planning, ArcelorMittal Dofasco (retired)
Dr. Bill Evans
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Oncology, McMaster University
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Assad Hoosein
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Milé Komlen
Managing Director, Ethical Associates Inc.
Sarah Murphy, B.Eng, CIM
Investment Advisor/Portfolio Manager, CIBC Wood Gundy
Mario Paron, CPA, CA, CPA (Illinois)*
Canadian Managing Partner, KPMG Enterprise
*resigned from the Board December 2023
Kathy Watts
Vice-President Finance & CFO, Hamilton Health Sciences (retired)
Marita Zaffiro, BScPhm, MBA
President & CEO, Marchese Health Care
Terry Cooke
President & CEO
Secretary of the Board
Grants by recipient organization I-R | |
ICNA Relief Food Bank | |
Brant County | 10,000 |
Imagine in the Park Children's Arts Festival/Rotary Club of Hamilton AM | |
Supporting grant * | 3,000 |
Industry Education Council of Hamilton | |
Hamilton Code Clubs * | 176,430 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | |
Encouraging creativity and art expression * | excess加速器安装教程 |
Supporting grant * | 1,000 |
Interval House of Hamilton | |
Be More Than a Bystander | excessⅴpn下载 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 5,000 |
Supporting grant | excessⅴpn下载 |
The Hero's Journey Program * | 10,000 |
Jazz.FM91 Inc. | |
Supporting grant | 598 |
The John Howard Society | |
ACHIEVES * | 180,000 |
YARD program * | 60,937 |
Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 10,500 |
Journalists for Human Rights | |
express加速器ios下载 | 50,000 |
Jump In Foundation | |
Physical activation program | 10,000 |
Jump Math | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
Juravinski Hospital & Cancer Centre Foundation/Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
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Supporting grant | 1,145 |
Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation | |
Green Shield Canada Sherry Peister Community Impact Fund | 490,000 |
Lake Avenue Elementary School/Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
Flash mob presentations | 3,000 |
Makerspace Across the Grades | express加速器ios下载 |
L'Arche Hamilton | |
Community Café | 23,270 |
Creative Hands Art Studio * | 9,725 |
Supporting grant | 650 |
Learning Disabilities Association of Halton | |
Reading Rocks expansion and subsidies * | 2,500 |
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The Learning Partnership | |
Entrepreneurial Adventure * | 10,000 |
Supporting grant | 25,000 |
Let's Talk Science | |
立马加速器 | 10,000 |
Supporting grant | 25,000 |
Liberty for Youth | |
立马加速器 | 10,000 |
Prodigal Sonz * | 5,000 |
Lighthouse Program for Grieving Children | |
Supporting grant | 3,000 |
Lions Foundation of Canada | |
Autism Assistance Dog Guide Program | excess加速器安装教程 |
Canine Vision Canada | 1,785 |
Wishlist | 立马加速器 |
Living Rock Ministries | |
Arts of August | 1,400 |
Operation Christmas Blessing | 4,000 |
Pandemic relief * | 20,000 |
Rock Resources | 25,000 |
Street-involved young moms | 650 |
Supporting grant | 立马加速器 |
Supporting grant * | 8,007 |
Weekend program | 11,609 |
Loran Scholars Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 80,000 |
Lynwood Charlton Centre | |
excess加速器购 | 20,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 4,402 |
MacNab Street Presbyterian Church | |
Supporting grant | 11,959 |
Make-A-Wish Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 500 |
March of Dimes Canada Non-Profit Housing Corporation | |
Jason's House | 2,000 |
MaRS Discovery District | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 75,000 |
Solutions Lab | 150,000 |
SVX | 25,000 |
銀河英雄傳說 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-9 · 概要 背景设定为人类生存圈扩展到全銀河系的未来时空。 由於財富帶來糜爛,人們對政治失去信心,漸漸疏於履行民主之義務,野心家趁機奪權,重回專制體制,建立「銀河帝國」。 不滿帝制的人民展開逃亡,成立自由行星同盟。从此兩國互相爭戰达150多年,加上夾在中間之强大经济体——獨立 ... | |
STEAM Engine Program * | 38,390 |
McGill University | |
Friends of McGill Hockey | 200 |
School of Nursing | 2,000 |
McMaster University | |
Art Gallery | excessⅴpn下载 |
McMaster Community Poverty Initiative | 2,500 |
MCYU and Neighbour to Neighbour Mentorship Program * | 18,700 |
Midwifery bursary | 10,000 |
Museum of Art | 1,940 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | |
如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告图片-如何获取免费世界动物 ...:阿里云为大家提供海量如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告正版图片,如果您需要如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告图片素材可伍来阿里云正版图片搜索如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告,查找和如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告相关的图片素材;阿里云图片素材库中所有如何获取免费世界动物日平面 ... | 20,000 |
Melrose United Church | |
Supporting grant | 6,238 |
Mission Services of Hamilton | |
Pandemic relief * | 25,000 |
Supporting grant | 11,704 |
The 196 * | 124,950 |
excess加速器购 | 15,000 |
Missionaries of Charity | |
Supporting grant | 200 |
Mohawk College | |
Pathfinder Program | 35,000 |
MADD Canada | |
SmartWheels | 2,000 |
Musicata | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Muskoka Conservancy | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Neighbour to Neighbour Centre (Hamilton) | |
Children and Senior Chinese Community Folk Dance * | 500 |
Community Food Centre - Peer Advocate Skills Mentorship | excess加速器安装教程 |
Eco-Explorers and Eco-Advocates * | 10,000 |
Food skills programming | 15,000 |
Jack Parent Reading Program | 1,040 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 15,000 |
Math Success Program * | 52,000 |
Pandemic relief * | excess加速器购 |
Net Ministries of Canada | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Never Gonna Stop Community Centre for the Arts/Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion | |
Summer programming * | 2,000 |
New Hope Community Bikes | |
Ride Smart * | 10,000 |
New Vision United Church | |
excess加速器安装教程 | excessⅴpn下载 |
Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg | |
Completing the Circle | 25,000 |
NYA:WEH Elementary - HWCDSB * | 180,000 |
NYA:WEH Elementary - HWDSB * | 360,000 |
Traditional Knowledge and Skills Outreach * | 20,000 |
No. 9 Contemporary Art & the Environment | |
Imagining My Sustainable Community Hamilton * | 44,000 |
Notre-Dame de Perpetual-Secours | |
Supporting grant | 23,200 |
The Owl Foundation | |
excess加速器购 | 4,500 |
express加速器ios下载 | |
Supporting grant | excessⅴpn安卓 |
excessⅴpn下载 | |
Supporting grant * | 10,000 |
Philpott Memorial Church | |
Supporting grant | 9,096 |
Players' Guild of Hamilton Inc. | |
Supporting grant * | 5,105 |
Prince of Wales Public School / Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
Healthy Cooking on a Budget | 5,000 |
Queen Mary School / Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 5,000 |
Rainbow Railroad | |
Supporting grant | 10,000 |
Rainbow's End Community Development Corporation | |
Growing Strong | 25,000 |
Re-create Outreach Art Studio/Shalem Mental Health Network | |
医学英语翻译|Metabolism文本翻译:2021-8-27 · 学英语是个苦差事,尤其医学英语,更是量大又深奥。千万不能放松哟!今天的医学英语翻译分享来啦! Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions that takes place in the body’s cells, converting the fuel in the food we eat into the energy ... | 3,839 |
Textile Stories * | 11,425 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Supporting grant | 4,000 |
The Rob Freeman Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 2,500 |
Robert Land Community Association/Eva Rothwell Centre | |
Supporting grant | 4,424 |
Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of Hamilton | |
Haiti Fund | 2,000 |
One Heart, One Soul Campaign | 10,000 |
Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation St. Ann's Parish | |
Supporting grant | express加速器ios下载 |
Rotary Club of Hamilton AM | |
Imagine in the Park Children's Arts Festival | 3,000 |
Rotary Club of Hamilton Sunshine Fund | |
Children's Christmas Celebration | 2,650 |
CORE Kids - Youth Achievers Program * | 25,000 |
Supporting grant * | 8,007 |
Royal Botanical Gardens | |
Supporting grant | 11,871 |
excess加速器购 | 3,883 |
Royal Canadian Humane Association | |
Supporting grant * | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Royal Conservatory of Music | |
Supporting grant | 500 |
Rygiel Homes Housing Corporation | |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Rygiel Supports for Community Living | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 2,274 |
Supporting grant * | 1,713 |
Grants by recipient organization E-H | |
Elizabeth Bagshaw School/Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
Bagshaw Bengals Build For Better! * | 5,000 |
Elizabeth Fry Society | |
Release planning/anti-theft programming * | 30,000 |
Pandemic relief * | 5,000 |
Seasonal outreach | 3,500 |
Elliott Heights Baptist Church | |
LARCH After-school Program | 31,540 |
LARCH After-school Program * | 51,146 |
Empowerment Squared | |
Academic Mentoring Program * | 165,000 |
Engineers Without Borders (Canada) | |
Supporting grant | 75,000 |
The Equality Effect | |
Supporting grant | 75,000 |
Essential Aid and Family Services of Ontario Inc. | |
Pandemic relief * | 10,000 |
Eva Rothwell Centre | |
After-school Program | excessⅴpn下载 |
After-school Program* | 16,232 |
漫威最美的一张亚洲脸,智慧与美貌的化身,一点都不比汪 ...:2021-5-11 · 漫威的一姐公认是黑寡妇的饰演者斯嘉丽·约翰逊,初伋复仇者,漫威片酬最高的女英雄。复联四给了寡姐一个圆满的结局,为了获得灵魂宝石而牺牲了,虽然还有自己的独立电影《黑寡妇》已经开拍,但是讲述的确实寡姐的起源故事。 | 10,000 |
Supporting grant | 8,000 |
Evergreen | |
Supporting grant | 立马加速器 |
Famille Marie-Jeunesse Sherbrooke | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Fit Active Beautiful (FAB) Foundation | |
FAB Girls 5K Challenge * | 5,000 |
FAB Girls 5K Challenge and FAB Girls Empowerment Program | 3,000 |
Fondation Rideau Hall Foundation | |
新型αvβ3和Neuropilin-1双靶点正电子成像探针 18 F-FAl ...:2021-3-8 · <sec>目的构建可靶向αvβ3和血管内皮生长因子受体Neuropilin-1(NRP-1)双受体的正电子成像探针,并验证双靶点融合肽探针较之单靶点探针的优越性。</sec> <sec>方法采用 18 F-氟化铝( 18 F-FAl)配合物的方法实现分子 | 50,000 |
Food Banks Canada | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
Food4Kids Hamilton Halton Niagara | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Weekends Without Hunger * | 5,000 |
Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Frank Panabaker Public School/Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
Stream of Dreams * | 4,250 |
Georgian Bay Forever | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Good Shepherd Centres Hamilton | |
Pandemic relief * | 25,000 |
pk10计划群发-诚招伋理:大暑期间,是一年中最热的时期,气温最高,在我国很。多地区,经常会出现极端的高温天。气该社在1955年曾征求他的意见,率先重印过此书,为此他还另外撰。 | 15,000 |
Regina's Place | 20,000 |
Regina's Place * | 10,808 |
Stimulation Activation Motivation * | 19,341 |
Subsidized housing | 20,000 |
Supporting grant | 64,106 |
Supporting grant * | 12,255 |
Trauma Informed Yoga | 4,500 |
Youth Reconnect | 30,000 |
Greater Hamilton Symphony Association | |
Supporting grant | 600 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Hamilton Barton Village Green My City * | 10,000 |
Green Venture/Conserver Society of Hamilton & District, Inc. | |
Green Infrastructure in Dundas: A Cycle Garden Tour * | 5,000 |
Nature Ninjas | 1,500 |
/EduDeo Ministries | |
Depave Paradise on Barton * | 8,000 |
/Trees for Hamilton | |
Canopy for Community * | 17,581 |
Habitat for Humanity Hamilton | |
Indigenous Housing Partnership | 2,000 |
Haldimand Bird Observatory | |
Mist nets | 3,250 |
Halton Women's Place | |
Supporting grant | 2,926 |
Hamilton Academy of Performing Arts | |
Nutcracker ticket subsidies * | 5,000 |
excess加速器购 | |
express加速器ios下载 | 2,000 |
Hamilton Artists Inc. | |
Public programs and outreach * | 10,000 |
Hamilton Basketball Association/Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 22,000 |
Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion | |
Hamilton Community Benefits Network * | 3,000 |
Hamilton Children's Choir | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 10,400 |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Hamilton Community Legal Clinic | |
Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction * | 50,150 |
No Hate in the Hammer * | 2,000 |
Pandemic relief * | 10,000 |
Hamilton Conservation Authority | |
Supporting grant * | 10,405 |
Hamilton Conservation Foundation | |
EcoCise * | excess加速器安装教程 |
Outdoor Environmental Education in Dundas Valley Conservation Area | 13,500 |
Outdoor Environmental Education in Dundas Valley Conservation Area* | 5,000 |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Supporting grant * | 3,883 |
Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts Dance Theatre | |
Imprint: Hamilton * | 10,000 |
师资队伍 - USTC:加速器实验物理 非加速器 实验物理 唯象理论 粒子探测技术及应用 粒子束交叉应用 师资队伍 ... (Principle Author), “Energy dependence of acceptancecorrected dielectron excess mass spectrum at mid-rapidity in Au Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 and 200 GeV ... | |
Supporting grant | 658 |
Hamilton East Kiwanis Boys' and Girls' Club | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 150,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 20,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 20,000 |
Brighter Futures | 2,000 |
On the Move Girls * | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Raising Our Children’s Kids | 6,000 |
c开头的词根_百度文库:2021-6-30 · c开头的词根_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。C 开头的词根 cad, cas, cid=fall,表示“落下,降临” casual 偶然的(cas+ual→落下的→不是安排好的→偶然的) casualty 事故;灾难(casual+ty→[突然 | express加速器ios下载 |
Woodland * | express加速器ios下载 |
Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. | |
excessⅴpn下载 | 500 |
Hamilton Festival Theatre Company | |
Equity Initiative * | 15,000 |
Hamilton Food Share | |
Baby and culturally specific foods | 4,000 |
Infant products | 2,000 |
Pandemic relief * | 50,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 151,600 |
Supporting grant * | 34,168 |
Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
Bernie Custis Secondary School - YMCA Camp Wanakita | 10,725 |
Rainbow Prom | 500 |
Rainbow Prom* | 2,000 |
Safe Schools: Bullying Prevention and Intervention Review Panel * | 50,000 |
Skills Competition and Transition Trailer * | 20,000 |
Teacher Small Grants * | excess加速器安装教程 |
Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation | |
Summer Internship program | 7,381 |
Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation | |
Hamilton General Hospital Stroke Unit | 10,000 |
Hybrid Operating Room Project | 16,763 |
McMaster Children's Hospital Foundation Medical Equipment | 786 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 4,500 |
W. Leonard and Phyllis Carpenter Memorial Endowment Fund | 10,000 |
Hamilton Jewish Federation | |
Holocaust education * | 10,000 |
Hamilton Jewish Social Services | |
Nourishment 4 Seniors * | 10,000 |
Zichronot * | 4,500 |
Hamilton Music Collective | |
An Instrument for Every Child | 13,043 |
Collaboration and programming expansion | 10,000 |
excessⅴpn下载 | express加速器ios下载 |
Supporting grant | 600 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | |
Grimsby Wetlands Project | 2,000 |
新型αvβ3和Neuropilin-1双靶点正电子成像探针 18 F-FAl ...:2021-3-8 · <sec>目的构建可靶向αvβ3和血管内皮生长因子受体Neuropilin-1(NRP-1)双受体的正电子成像探针,并验证双靶点融合肽探针较之单靶点探针的优越性。</sec> <sec>方法采用 18 F-氟化铝( 18 F-FAl)配合物的方法实现分子 | 2,000 |
Invasive species management at Amaolo Nature Sanctuary | 2,500 |
Sanctuary Land Trust | 7,500 |
Supporting grant | 2,500 |
Supporting grant * | 14,288 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 5,000 |
Urquhart Butterfly Garden and projector | 1,874 |
Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra (2000) Inc. | |
Children and seniors programming | 13,600 |
Children and seniors programming * | excessⅴpn安卓 |
express加速器ios下载 | 11,000 |
Mozart & Mendelsohn concert | excess加速器购 |
Outreach program | 5,000 |
Supporting grant | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Symphony experience for seniors * | 5,000 |
Hamilton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra | |
Supporting grant | excess加速器购 |
Hamilton Regional Indian Centre | |
Strengthening Hamilton's Aboriginal Education | express加速器ios下载 |
Hamilton Right to Life | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction / Hamilton Community Legal Clinic | |
Basic Income Research Project * | 3,000 |
Hamilton Social Medicine Response Team/The AIDS Network | |
Pandemic relief * | 10,000 |
中华人民共和国外国伋业所得税法施行细则(附英文):1982-2-21 · (一九八二年二月十七日国务院批准)第一条本细则依据《中华人民共和国外国伋业所得税法》(伍下简称税法)第十八条的规定制定。第二条税法第一条所说的设立机构,是指外国伋业在中国境内设有从事生产、经营的机构、场所或营业伋理人。 | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board | |
excess加速器购 | 60,000 |
Equal Opportunities Fund | 272 |
L.E.A.D. Intergenerational Play at Seniors’ Homes * | 12,500 |
L.E.A.D. Successful Transitions Project * | excess加速器安装教程 |
Teacher Small Grants * | express加速器ios下载 |
Hamilton Youth Poets/Lynwood Charlton Centre | |
excessⅴpn下载 | excess加速器购 |
请问如何通过资产负债表分析对比两家银行 - Sogou:2021-10-27 · 通过资产负债表分析对比两家银行的方法:资产负债表对比,可伍从相对指标和绝对指标进行分析,其中:运用相对指标是进行财务质量分析比较;运用绝对指标进行经营规模分析比较。 绝对指标是计算相应指标差额,可伍说明经营规模大小差异。 | |
excessⅴpn下载 | 180,000 |
Harlequin Singers of Hamilton | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 3,500 |
Healing Arts and Recovery with Peer Support/The John Howard Society | |
Supporting grant and tenant engagement * | 15,000 |
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario | |
Supporting grant | 2,134 |
Hearts Together For Haiti | |
Supporting grant | 7,500 |
Hillcrest Elementary School/Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
Engaging and Promoting Inquisitive Minds | 5,000 |
The Hospital for Sick Children | |
Supporting grant | 2,525 |
Grants by recipient organization A-D | Amount |
735 Firebird Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets | |
创新_YOKA时尚网:作为“亚洲肌底专家”,雪花秀矢志追求不为时光所动的美,结合前沿护肤科技不断进行创新与产品升级,力求为全球消费者提供调理肌肤的上乘美肤方案。在此后的20余年中,润燥精华历经数次革新——从2021年独树一帜的瞬吸质地,到2021年独家黄金18小时炮制技术的运用,再至2021年第四伋焕活肌 ... | 3,118 |
A Rocha Canada | |
Operation Wild Teams * | 19,000 |
ACORN Institute Canada | |
Civic Connections Expansion Project * | 25,000 |
Actors Fund of Canada | |
Supporting grant | 500 |
Adult Basic Education Association | |
Educational Planning Services | excess加速器安装教程 |
Advocacy Centre for the Elderly | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 1,870 |
Alzheimer Society of Hamilton and Halton | |
Creative Expressions * | 11,500 |
Music 4 Memories * | 7,508 |
百度一下,你就知道:全球最大的中文搜索引擎、致力于让网民更便捷地获取信息,找到所求。百度超过千亿的中文网页数据库 ... | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | excess加速器安装教程 |
Ancaster Society for the Performing Arts Corporation | |
Sinfonia Ancaster | 3,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Supporting grant | 500 |
Art Gallery of Hamilton | |
AGH: In-Class | 10,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 94,020 |
Children's programs | 2,500 |
Supporting grant | 7,000 |
Art Gallery of Ontario | |
Business for the Arts | 500 |
立马加速器 | 2,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Art, media, mental health | 4,000 |
立马加速器 | |
Supporting grant | 2,274 |
Artscape Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
ASHOKA Canada | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
Autism Society of Ontario, Hamilton Chapter | |
Getting into the Game in Hamilton * | 3,000 |
Respite programs/services for caregivers | 500 |
Support for adults * | 5,000 |
Bach Elgar Choir | |
Supporting grant | excess加速器购 |
Bay Area Restoration Council | |
Supporting grant | 432 |
Beautiful Alleys/Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. | |
Birge Street Parkette * | 10,000 |
excess加速器购/Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
Cultural Fair and Carnival | 500 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 1,000 |
SLAM Poetry Team | 1,700 |
Student Action Against Bullying | 5,000 |
Bill Seven Award Trust | |
Supporting grant | 6,000 |
Bird Studies Canada | |
Supporting grant | 2,312 |
全新 Mercedes-Benz A-Class 登陆大马,入门22万伌吉起 ...:2021-6-12 · 2021 Mercedes-Benz A200 Progressive Line Mercedes-Benz Malaysia终于在今天于本地发布了全新伋号W177的A-Class,来到第四伋的新A-Class在本地暂时只有两个等级,分别 ... | |
Supporting grant | 7,000 |
Brant Food for Thought | |
经济史的趣味 (豆瓣) - Douban:2021-4-19 · 继《西洋经济史的趣味》之后,赖建诚教授2021年推出简体版《经济史的趣味》,延续一惯知性、轻松、好读、有趣的风格,该书延伸出“中国经济史”的部分,让读者能更全面地理解、参照、进入与人类生活习习相关的经济世界。 | 3,000 |
The Bridge from Prison to Community (Hamilton) | |
Supporting grant | 立马加速器 |
Brott Music Festival | |
Education for Peace music concerts | 3,000 |
Bruce Trail Conservancy | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 3,530 |
Burlington Civic Chorale | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Burlington Community Foundation | |
Supporting grant * | excess加速器安装教程 |
Burlington Performing Arts Centre | |
Supporting grant | 1,100 |
Bursary of Hope for Autism | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Hamilton programming * | 10,000 |
Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Division | |
Supporting grant | 4,129 |
Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 400 |
Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 2,274 |
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
Canadian Mental Health Association, York Region Branch | |
记一次博客被群压的经历 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云 - Tencent Cloud:2021-6-28 · if delay >= 0.001 then -- the 2nd return value holds the number of excess requests -- per second for the specified key. for example, number 31 -- means the current request rate is at 231 req/sec for the -- specified key. local excess = err -- the request the ... | 150,000 |
Canadian Mental Health Association, Hamilton Branch | |
Evening Social Recreation Rehabilitation Program * | 6,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Supporting grant | 500 |
The Canadian Red Cross Society | |
Supporting grant | 619 |
Tiffany Circle | 20,000 |
The Canadian Stage Corporation | |
立马加速器 | 300 |
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum | |
Education & Kids Camp Program | 10,000 |
Cancer Assistance Program City of Hamilton & District | |
Drive & Ride | 15,000 |
Personal Care and Nutritional Supports | 4,000 |
Capitol Theatre Heritage Foundation | |
Children and youth programming | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Carpenter Hospice | |
Care Beyond our Walls | 立马加速器 |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Casey House Foundation | |
Capital campaign | 25,000 |
Leaders' Circle | express加速器ios下载 |
Catholic Family Services of Hamilton | |
St. Martin's Manor | 2,000 |
Catholic Youth Organization | |
Supporting grant | 543 |
Central Presbyterian Church | |
Supporting grant | 11,748 |
Chamber Music Hamilton | |
Supporting grant | 14,000 |
Children's Aid Society of Hamilton | |
Post-secondary bursaries and summer camperships | 13,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 7,315 |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Christian Horizons Canada | |
Supporting grant | 2,274 |
Christ's Church Cathedral | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
City Kidz Ministry | |
CityYouth Leadership Development | 5,000 |
Supporting grant | 20,000 |
City of Hamilton | |
McQuesten Urban Farm | 121,875 |
Neighbourhood small grants program | excess加速器安装教程 |
Nurse Family Partnership | 41,000 |
Senior isolation reduction initiatives * | 16,250 |
Shirley Elford Emerging Artist Prize | 2,600 |
GATK之VariantAnnotator-云栖社区-阿里云:2021-5-1 · 【Spark Summit East 2021】加速云上Spark基因测序的数据驱动方法伍及案例研究 小猫吃鱼569 2021-02-20 13:29:13 浏览1591 数据驱动创新 英特尔助精准医疗驶上普及化快车道 | 5,489 |
Xperience Annex - Youth in Construction * | 52,500 |
师资队伍 - USTC:加速器实验物理 非加速器 实验物理 唯象理论 粒子探测技术及应用 粒子束交叉应用 师资队伍 ... (Principle Author), “Energy dependence of acceptancecorrected dielectron excess mass spectrum at mid-rapidity in Au Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 and 200 GeV ... | |
Supporting grant | 250 |
Coady International Institute-St. Francis Xavier University | |
express加速器ios下载 | 25,000 |
The Colin B. Glassco Charitable Foundation for Children | |
Supporting grant | 85,000 |
Community Care of West Niagara | |
express加速器ios下载 | 5,000 |
Community Development Halton | |
Supporting grant | 20,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Supporting grant | 100,000 |
Community Foundation Grey Bruce | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 11,820 |
Community Foundation of Nova Scotia | |
Green Shield Canada Six 4 Six | 570,000 |
Community Foundations of Canada | |
Green Shield Canada Six 4 Six | 75,000 |
Supporting grant * | 43,931 |
Community Living Hamilton | |
Supporting grant | 310 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | |
立马加速器 | 20,000 |
PATH Program * | excess加速器安装教程 |
c开头的词根_百度文库:2021-6-30 · c开头的词根_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。C 开头的词根 cad, cas, cid=fall,表示“落下,降临” casual 偶然的(cas+ual→落下的→不是安排好的→偶然的) casualty 事故;灾难(casual+ty→[突然 | express加速器ios下载 |
Pathways to Education - sports and recreation access program * | 6,500 |
Pathways to Education - youth mental health worker program | 25,000 |
Compass Point Bible Church | |
541 Eatery & Exchange * | 1,000 |
Conservation Halton | |
Supporting grant * | 3,883 |
Conserver Society of Hamilton & District, Inc. | |
Dundas Turtle Watch and projector | 1,054 |
Covenant House Toronto | |
Supporting grant | 598 |
Culture for Kids in the Arts | |
After-school Arts Program | 20,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 10,000 |
Artasia: Glocal | 1,500 |
Artasia: Glocal * | 35,460 |
Resonance Choir | 4,000 |
Culture of Peace Hamilton轻蜂加速器_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-4-22 · 轻蜂加速器1.0.1.0 官方版真的很好用哦,虽然我是第一次使用轻蜂加速器,但我已经深深的爱上了你,哈哈哈 9楼 华军网友 20-04-29 21:53:24 网络辅助软件终于让我找到一款不错的软件,伍后就认准轻蜂加速器 … | |
Supporting grant | 1,265 |
Dave Andreychuk Foundation | |
Mount Hamilton Minor Hockey | 544 |
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption | |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Wendy's Wonderful Kids | 75,000 |
De Dwa Da Dehs Nye>S Aboriginal Health Centre | |
Pandemic relief * | 25,000 |
De Mazenod Door Outreach | |
Supporting grant * | 5,000 |
Delta United Church | |
Supporting grant | 14,000 |
立马加速器 | |
Children’s health education | excess加速器购 |
Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice Foundation | |
Camp Keaton Hamilton | 10,500 |
Supporting grant | 42,860 |
Dundas Art and Craft Association | |
Carnegie Kids * | 5,303 |
Dundas Baptist Church | |
The Connect Theatre Project * | 6,000 |
Dundas Historical Society Museum | |
Community and family engagement * | 5,000 |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Dundas Turtle Watch/Conserver Society of Hamilton & District, Inc. | |
Protect Our Native Turtles * | 3,439 |
Dundas Valley Orchestra | |
Orchestral concert * | 5,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 立马加速器 |
Dundas Valley School of Art | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 15,000 |
Art Accessibility Program - Family Art Days * | 10,000 |
Art Accessibility Program - Foster the Ability Bursary Program | 3,000 |
express加速器ios下载 | 2,282 |
Piece by Piece * | 15,000 |
The Artists' Connection | excess加速器购 |
Dundas Youth Chaplaincy | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 15,000 |
Routes Youth Centre * | 22,000 |
Grants from designated funds | Amount |
Adam and Olive Clark Memorial Fund | 15,742 |
Anonymous | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Art and Barb Worth Fund | 5,838 |
Barbara and Ronald Bayne Fund | 3,206 |
Cygnus Fund | 1,812 |
Douglas J. Clark Fund* | 6,191 |
Eva Rothwell Resource Centre Fund | 4,424 |
Frank Charles Miller Fund* | 85,237 |
James P. & Mary S. Phin Charitable Fund | 10,098 |
我国船用低速大功率柴油机制造业的现状与发展趋势 - 豆丁网:2021-5-10 · 浙江上虞人,高级工程师 (收稿日期: 2021 21)文章编号: 1008 7842(2021) S0 04我国船用低速大功率柴油机制造业的现状与发展趋势 裘春华(中国船舶工业集团公司沪东重机股伇有限公司, 上海 202129) 摘 要 回顾了我国船用低速大功率柴油机制造业的 ... | 109,753 |
Phenix Fund for Animal Welfare | 5,670 |
Samaritans' Tithe Fund | 13,277 |
Stoney Creek Health Fund | 37,860 |
United Nations Culture of Peace Hamilton Fund | 1,265 |
United Way Fund/Kenneth R. Walsh | express加速器ios下载 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 22,739 |
TOTAL | 522,835 |
Grants from scholarships and bursary funds | excess加速器购 |
Albert & Betty Walters Fund | 400 |
Amanda Marie Cowan Memorial Scholarship Fund | 1,284 |
Bernie Morelli Memorial Bursary Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Charlie and Mabel Duncan Memorial Bursary Fund | 1,339 |
Christina Hamilton Scholarship Fund | 4,232 |
Cowan Family Fund | 2,416 |
CPRS Hamilton Legacy Fund | excess加速器购 |
Daniel Giannini Fund | 45,000 |
Eugene B. Eastburn Fellowship Fund | 90,000 |
General Bursary Fund/Genevieve A. Chaney & Cordelia C. Ensign | 34,666 |
Geritol Follies Bursary Fund | 11,500 |
Howard Fairclough Organ Scholarship Fund | 2,600 |
James Darby Bursary Fund | 6,800 |
Jeff Dickins Memorial Fund | 1,000 |
Jervis B. Webb Company of Canada (Daifuku) Scholarship Fund | express加速器ios下载 |
John E. VanDuzer Scholarship Fund | 2,000 |
Mildred Dixon Holmes - Artist of the Year Fund | 2,000 |
Music Bursary Fund | 1,934 |
Ross F. Webb Bursary Fund | 3,267 |
Rundle Foreign Study Bursary | 2,500 |
Russell & Elizabeth Lindley Fund | 7,618 |
William Allison Haynes Fund | 3,400 |
TOTAL | excess加速器安装教程 |
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Ambery Fund | 80,000 |
Anonymous | 325,872 |
ArcelorMittal Dofasco Children and Youth Fund | 11,609 |
Bisaro Family Fund* | 2,843 |
Chedoke Health Foundation Fund | 150,840 |
Clark Family Foundation Fund | 53,000 |
Cooke Family Fund* | 1,027 |
David Davis Memorial Fund | 1,000 |
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Ed Smee Conserver Society Environmental Fund | excess加速器购 |
Edith H. Turner Foundation Fund | 509,314 |
Elham & Joseph Farah Family Foundation Fund* | 8,185 |
Ella Baird & Grace Baird McQueen Memorial Fund/A.J. McQueen | 2,261 |
Ellen Creaghan Fund | 30,000 |
Fengate Community Foundation Fund* | 27,068 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 22,725 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 20,000 |
Glen & Debra Swire Fund | 立马加速器 |
Great Lakes Trust Fund* | 981 |
Green Shield Canada Community Granting Fund | 2,270,000 |
Hamilton Spectator Summer Camp Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 593,267 |
Heels Family Vocal Award Fund* | 13,029 |
Hogarth Family Foundation Fund | 303,000 |
Hugh C. Arrell Memorial Fund | 3,500 |
Hundred Waters Foundation Fund* | 1,552 |
Hutton Family Fund* | 103,334 |
John & Esther Marshall Memorial Fund | 11,901 |
John & Mary Reesor Fund | 7,710 |
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Kirkpatrick Fund | 3,500 |
Lawyers' Legacy for Children the Ray Harris Fund | 15,131 |
Lee Hepner Award Fund | 1,800 |
Lois Evans Natural Heritage Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
Losani Family Foundation Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
excess加速器购 | 30,000 |
Maple Leaf Centre for Action on Food Security Fund | 73,875 |
Mark & Barbara Nimigan Fund | 4,000 |
Marlies & Alan Clark Fund | 81,000 |
The Martin Foundation Fund | 77,825 |
Mayberry Family Fund* | 10,683 |
McCallum, McBride Fund | 54,900 |
Meredith Family Fund | 2,600 |
立马加速器 | 60,000 |
财务英语英汉对照表 (A) - MBA智库百科:2021-7-19 · Acquisition excess盘购超支 Acquisition price 购置价格 Acquisition surplus 盘购盈余 Acquittance 债务清偿,清偿收据 Across-the-board 全面调整,全盘调整 Across-the-board price change全面调整商品价格 Across-the-board tariff change 全面调整关税税率 | 立马加速器 |
The Milne McGrath Fund | 43,064 |
Ray Brillinger & Cy Hack Fund | 6,000 |
The Ron & Gina Fraser Endowment Fund | 5,489 |
Rotary Club of Hamilton East-Wentworth Foundation Fund | 5,000 |
Shirley M. Elford Artist's Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
TCL2021秋季新品驰骋“万物互联”时伋:2021-10-23 · 2021-10-23 本刊记者 彭心冬 点击: 322 李东生一身戈行服在新品发布会上 9 月 28 日,“ 2021 TCL 秋季新品发布会”在深圳召开。 除了有在 IFA 上大展光彩的 QLED2.0 量子点电视、Xess 移动大屏、GO PLAY、GO WATCH、全新法式四门和对开四门风健康冰箱外,C1 超薄曲面电视、TV+ 内容平台、幸福医生 2.0、智能空调 ... | 1,000 |
Tara Lynn Giuliani Foundation | 14,600 |
Ted & Karin Bossence Fund* | 49 |
Thorne Family Fund | 5,250 |
Tran Family Fund* | 3,298 |
W. L. Carpenter Memorial Fund* | 立马加速器 |
Williams Family Fund* | 3,658 |
The Young Fund* | 1,755,335 |
TOTAL | 7,100,580 |
Grants from field-of-interest funds | Amount |
#HamOntForever Fund | 2,000 |
Alfred & Joan Robertshaw Memorial Fund | 24,958 |
The Alice Jean Ainsworth Memorial Fund | 84,551 |
The Angel Fund* | 6,311 |
Anonymous | 3,370 |
Antonina Lombardo Fund | 7,508 |
express加速器ios下载 | 5,342 |
Barbara & Bob Harwood Fund | 9,479 |
Barbara Bethune Fund* | 6,632 |
Barbara Farnan Fund | 5,000 |
Betty & Jack George Family Fund | 1,438 |
Bill & Tina Seale Fund | 16,014 |
Charles & Ret Swire Fund | excess加速器购 |
Delaware Fund | 21,563 |
Dougher Community Fund | 129,730 |
Edward & Gladys Halloran Memorial Fund | 40,411 |
Everard Hambro Fund | 2,282 |
First Place, Hamilton Tomorrow Fund | 13,008 |
Florence E.S. Hutton Fund* | 23,688 |
Foxcroft Family Youth Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Fund for Underprivileged Children | 32,048 |
George & Shirley McBride Foundation Fund | 26,909 |
Gibson Trust/Town of Flamborough | 1,713 |
Giovanni & Grazia Criminisi Literacy Fund* | 1,780 |
Hogarth Family Pioneer Energy Fund | 65,000 |
Ike & Shahnaz Ahmed Foundation Fund | 1,300 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 49,015 |
Joan C. Watt Memorial Fund | excess加速器购 |
Kenneth Boothe Young & Marie Catherine Young Fund | 65,055 |
商户收录_百度口碑 - Baidu:百度口碑通过网民对商家的真实评价,有凭有据的消费投诉,专业人士点评,商家口碑事件,帮助用户决策。是体现网民对商家、产品或服务态度的信息平台。网民可伍通过本系统平台发布对线下交易过程中所感受的服务,商家印象,自身评价,形成口碑,助力广大网民信息决策。 | 7,339 |
Lillian M. Shaw Fund | 14,402 |
新型αvβ3和Neuropilin-1双靶点正电子成像探针 18 F-FAl ...:2021-3-8 · <sec>目的构建可靶向αvβ3和血管内皮生长因子受体Neuropilin-1(NRP-1)双受体的正电子成像探针,并验证双靶点融合肽探针较之单靶点探针的优越性。</sec> <sec>方法采用 18 F-氟化铝( 18 F-FAl)配合物的方法实现分子 | 5,466 |
Mary Lauder Cassidy Fund | 12,800 |
Nelson Allan Fund | 7,282 |
Note-Able Music Fund | 3,192 |
广东11选5前三结果-真人美女荷官:2021-6-13 · 但就整个行业格局的 前景,我不觉得 在线格局会发生很大变化 在曹德旺看来,疫后各国着手构建更独立、完整 、安全 的产业链会是一个趋势,或许逆全球化的趋势不可避免,并最终会成为定局 广东11选5前三结果 3月底,虽然潘 纯负责的南五病房已交由湖南队接管, 但这并未改变他每日定时从 ... | 59,688 |
Ray Lowes Environmental Fund | 20,810 |
Royal Canadian Humane Association Fund | 3,621 |
Russell I. Elman Fund | 65,500 |
express加速器ios下载 | 99 |
School Sisters of Notre Dame Legacy Fund | 10,808 |
銀河英雄傳說 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-9 · 概要 背景设定为人类生存圈扩展到全銀河系的未来时空。 由於財富帶來糜爛,人們對政治失去信心,漸漸疏於履行民主之義務,野心家趁機奪權,重回專制體制,建立「銀河帝國」。 不滿帝制的人民展開逃亡,成立自由行星同盟。从此兩國互相爭戰达150多年,加上夾在中間之强大经济体——獨立 ... | 6,012 |
立马加速器 | 45,000 |
The Van Dusen Fund* | 40,835 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 5,267 |
W. Robert & Marion S. Shivas Conservation Trust Fund | 15,532 |
Women 4 Change Fund | 55,250 |
Youth & Philanthropy Fund | 23,236 |
轻蜂加速器_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-4-22 · 轻蜂加速器1.0.1.0 官方版真的很好用哦,虽然我是第一次使用轻蜂加速器,但我已经深深的爱上了你,哈哈哈 9楼 华军网友 20-04-29 21:53:24 网络辅助软件终于让我找到一款不错的软件,伍后就认准轻蜂加速器 … | 1,062,158 |
Grants from Community Fund | Amount |
ABACUS | 1,051,945 |
express加速器ios下载 | 200,000 |
Community Fund: Environment Endowment Fund | 63,250 |
Community Fund: Arts Endowment Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Neighbourhoods | 21,000 |
Other | 470,959 |
Pandemic Response Fund | 305,000 |
TOTAL | 2,117,859 |
Thank you to our 2023-20 donors: | ||
Layla Abdulrahim-Moore | Matt & Sarah Goodman | Scott Page & Vanessa Foreman Page |
Mary Aduckiewicz | Susan Goodman | Peter & Rose Marie Palmer |
Agro Zaffiro LLP | Grant Thornton LLP | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Jane E. Allison | Green Shield Canada | Jane E. Peacock |
Jane Anderson | Lisa Habisreutinger | Jennifer Pearson |
excessⅴpn下载 | Tanis Hall | Terri Petrachek |
Peter Anderson | Brian & Morag Halsey | Raong Phalavong |
Maria Antonakos | David Hamber | Shirley Picken |
Annette Aquin & David Malcolm | Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | excessⅴpn下载 |
Callie Archer | Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation | Steve & Mary Prime |
H. Anthony & Anne Arrell | Hamilton Law Association | Elisha Proietti |
The Honourable Harrison S. Arrell & Diane Arrell | Hamilton Technology Centre | excessⅴpn下载 |
The Atkinson Charitable Foundation | Annette Hamm | Judith Pyke |
Robert & Carol Balint | express加速器ios下载 | Rally Assets Inc. |
JoAnne Barresi | Roberta D. Harris | Carol Rand |
Glenn & Kim Barrett | Barbara Harwood | Gail Rappolt |
Dr. Philippe & Mary Barrette | excess加速器安装教程 | Diane Rawsthorn |
Bay Area Science & Engineering Fair | Hasty Market Corporation | 立马加速器 |
Bentley Systems, Incorporated | Ruth Hatch | Paul Ray |
Robert P. Beres | Maureen Hayes | Brian Reid |
Robert & Marion Bethune | Dr. Joan B. Heels | Heather Rex |
Bike for Mike supporters | Corey Helie-Masters | Gabrielle Richards |
excessⅴpn下载 | Rob & Tami Henderson | Don & Ann Ridpath |
John & Sandra Black | Heidi Henschel | Rise and Shine-Strategic B2B Content Marketing |
Julie Boateng | Thomas A. Hickey | Carol Ritchie |
Katharine L. Borczak | Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) | Tanya Ritchie |
excess加速器安装教程 | excess加速器安装教程 | Susan M. Roberts |
Duane Bouyea | excessⅴpn安卓 | Gail Robinson-Gow |
Katherine Braedley | Assad Hoosein | Barbara E. Rogers |
excess加速器安装教程 | excess加速器安装教程 | Larry Roos |
Bill & Marnie Brehm | Wendy J. Hough | Rotary Club of Hamilton Sunshine Fund |
Adele Brierley | Emily M. Hunt | excess加速器安装教程 |
Ray Brillinger & Cy Hack | Bruce & Linda Hutchinson | 立马加速器 |
Broadcast Services International Inc. | The Hutton family | Sheila Sammon |
Hazel M. Broker | Dean Jeffries | Brennan Sarich |
创新_YOKA时尚网:作为“亚洲肌底专家”,雪花秀矢志追求不为时光所动的美,结合前沿护肤科技不断进行创新与产品升级,力求为全球消费者提供调理肌肤的上乘美肤方案。在此后的20余年中,润燥精华历经数次革新——从2021年独树一帜的瞬吸质地,到2021年独家黄金18小时炮制技术的运用,再至2021年第四伋焕活肌 ... | Shirley A. Johnson | Stu Saunders |
Ernest & Ruth Brunton | Nigel Johnston | Bob & Peggy Savage |
c开头的词根_百度文库:2021-6-30 · c开头的词根_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。C 开头的词根 cad, cas, cid=fall,表示“落下,降临” casual 偶然的(cas+ual→落下的→不是安排好的→偶然的) casualty 事故;灾难(casual+ty→[突然 | Rosalind Johnston | 索引 - Interactive Brokers:2021-2-8 · 当前结余流动性(Current Excess Liquidity ) 可用交易资金 当前可用资金(Current Available Funds) 可用交易资金 当前买价收益率(Current Bid Yield) 债券栏 当前卖价收益 … |
Mary Buzzell | 立马加速器 | Sandy J. Schwenger |
Cake & Loaf Bakery Ltd. | Kabuki Spa & Skin Centre | Stan & Keitha Seneco |
Dr. Gordon Cameron | excess加速器购 | Lori Serafini |
Neil & Judy Cameron | Barry J. Kay | Karen Shaver |
excessⅴpn安卓 | Jennifer Kaye | Donna Sheldrake |
Alice A. Cannon | Katharine R. Kingsmill Marsales | excess加速器购 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | Carolyn Kinsley | Jonathan Shrubsole |
Paul & Sara Cannon | Helen Kirkpatrick | Risa Shuman |
Stewart & Jane Capell | Rob & Melissa Klaver | Teresa Silvestro |
express加速器ios下载 | Mike A. Kluk | John Simpson |
Mike Carnegie | Marinus J. Kok | Kim Smith |
excess加速器安装教程 | excessⅴpn下载 | Teresa Smith |
Sharon Charters | John Krawchenko | Melanie Sodtka |
立马加速器 | Alyssa Lai | excess加速器购 |
立马加速器 | Sara Laidlaw | St. Joseph's Health System |
City of Hamilton | Paul & Pam Lakin | Victoria Staite |
Alan & Marlies Clark | Stuart Laurie | Sandra Stephenson |
John Clinton | 立马加速器 | Doreen Stermann |
Derek Collins | Melissa Leaist | Patrick K. Sun |
Columbia International College | Ann Leon | Carolyn F. Swadron |
Connor, Clark & Lunn Foundation | excess加速器安装教程 | Charles & Ret Swire |
Conserver Society of Hamilton & District, Inc. | Dr. Mark & Hinda Levine | Glen & Debra Swire |
excessⅴpn下载 | Joy Levy | Elisha Szafran |
立马加速器 | Angel Li | Pauline Taggart |
Elizabeth Coons | Dr. Dana Liang | excess加速器安装教程 |
Chantal Copithorn | Celeste Licorish | Anne Tennier |
Georgia Corkins | Lodge of the Ancient Landmarks | Dr. Robert & Deborah Tester |
excessⅴpn安卓 | Losani Family Foundation Fund supporters | Joshua E., Amy & Liam Thorne |
Jeannie Crawford | Joan Lowry | Margaret E. Thurston |
Robert D. Crockford | John MacDonald & Susan Greer | Helen Tomasik |
Francina Cunningham | Shylah MacIntyre | express加速器ios下载 |
Margaret Cunnington | Alix MacLean | Vincenza Travale |
Ray & Joanne Cunnington | E. Shirley Macnamara | Ross & C. Anne Tucker |
Lisa Dalia | Jean Madadi | Kerry Turcotte |
Dr. Juliet Daniel | excess加速器安装教程 | Laura Turkstra |
Kenna-Lynn Danyliw | 维生素c_百度百科:2021-8-29 · 维生素C 的结构类似葡萄糖,是一种多羟基化合物,其分子中第2及第3位上两个相邻的烯醇式羟基极易解离而释出H+,故具有酸的性质,又称抗坏血酸。维生素C 具有很强的还原性,很容易被氧化成脱氢维生素C,但其反应是可逆的,并且抗坏血酸和脱氢抗坏血酸具有同样的生理功能,但脱氢抗坏血酸若 ... | Peter & Karen Turkstra |
Dr. Liane Davey | Rick & Anne Martin | Sarah Turkstra |
Bob & Renate Davidson | excessⅴpn安卓 | Laura Tutte |
Rosaline Dean | Mary McClelland | Kenneth J. Tyler |
Paul Del Bello | Stacie McCormick | Unicorn Rebellion |
William M. & Susan J. Dell | Sheila M. McDougall | UnMarketing Inc. |
Sabrina Denicola | James & Laura McGrath | excess加速器购 |
Francis A. DeSantis | Dr. Don & Kathryne McLean | Joan Van Damme |
Alan R. & Joan Dessau | McMaster University | Paul Vayda |
Lori Dessau Tauber | McMaster University Women’s Health Review | Vincero Capital Management Inc. |
Terry & Grace Diffey | 立马加速器 | Alan & Janet Walker |
Kevin & Karen Dore | express加速器ios下载 | Geoffrey F. & Joan Walker |
Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice Foundation | Archie J. McQueen | Randall E. Walker |
Sandra L. Edrupt | The Honourable Derek Mendes da Costa | Barbara J. Wallace |
excessⅴpn安卓 | Virginia Mendes da Costa | Patricia A. Walsh |
William Ernst | Grahame & Sheree Meredith | Yulena Wan & Scott Newport |
Dr. Bill & Jane Evans | Ruth Merz | Sarah Wardrope |
Lois Evans | The Honourable Jane A. Milanetti | Dr. Gary & Joy Warner |
The Fairmount Foundation | John Mills Sr. | Kathy Watts |
Kate Feightner | Paul & Carolyn Milne | Dr. Sarah Wayland |
Don Fell | 立马加速器 | Beth Webel |
Fengate Asset Management | excessⅴpn安卓 | Trevor Westerhoff |
The Honourable William Festeryga & Doris Festeryga | Mortgage Teacher | Kate Whalen |
Find the Red Thread | Jenna Morton | Jean & John Wheeler |
Margaret Fischbuch | Dr. Henry & Betty Muggah | Rob Wiersma & Tracy Varcoe |
Frank & Lydia Fitz | excessⅴpn安卓 | Boris Williams & Sunniva Buskermolen |
Peter & Gaye Fletcher | Justin Mulder | Gwyn & Gail Williams |
Tom Flood | William & Patricia Mungar | Peter B. Williamson |
FMC Truck Auto & Marine | Sarah M. Murphy | Robin L. Williamson |
express加速器ios下载 | Joyce Neal | Richard Wilson |
Melanie Froese | Richard Nelson | Veronica Wilson |
Patricia Fulton | Christopher Nichols | The Winnipeg Foundation |
Paul Gibel | John & Anna M. Nisbet | Marnie Wolfe |
Mary S. Gilmour | Dermot P. Nolan | excessⅴpn下载 |
Richard & Justine Giuliani | Erin O'Neil | Juliana Zaremba |
Patricia Glover | Gerry & Sheila O'Reilly | Zonta Club of Hamilton I |
Bruce Goodbrand & Donna Tweedell | excess加速器安装教程 |
We would like to acknowledge those people who made a direct financial contribution to ABACUS in 2023-20: | ||
Bentley Systems, Incorporated | Sarah Glen | 立马加速器 |
The Fairmount Foundation | Lisa Habisreutinger | Rose Taylor-Weale |
We thank everyone who contributes to sending children to camp. Contributors of over $500 are listed below: |
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada |
Elizabeth Eldridge |
Fabris Inc. |
The Hamilton & District Soccer Association |
Hamilton All Star Jazz Band |
Judith McCulloch |
Real McCoys |
United Way Halton & Hamilton |
Elizabeth Whetham |
HCF received donations in memory of: | ||
Mary Abou El-Assal | Gregory John Glover | Rose Sazio |
Mary Acs | Leah Gow-Ricketts | Brenda Jean Sherring |
express加速器ios下载 | 维生素c_百度百科:2021-8-29 · 维生素C 的结构类似葡萄糖,是一种多羟基化合物,其分子中第2及第3位上两个相邻的烯醇式羟基极易解离而释出H+,故具有酸的性质,又称抗坏血酸。维生素C 具有很强的还原性,很容易被氧化成脱氢维生素C,但其反应是可逆的,并且抗坏血酸和脱氢抗坏血酸具有同样的生理功能,但脱氢抗坏血酸若 ... | Cathy Skibinski |
Claude Barrette | 立马加速器 | Charles Moore Smalley |
Frederick (Fred) Stephen Bart | Bruce Robert Horsley | Frank Szostak |
Eric Richard Cannon | excess加速器安装教程 | Dr. Lewis Tauber |
Joyce Frid Caygill | Anne Hamilton Jones | Joyce Mary Tidball |
Fred (Derf) James Charters | 立马加速器 | Fernando (Fern) Anthony Viola |
Adam Hugh Clark | William (Bill) Morris, Q.C. | Reno Basil Violin |
David Colling | Frances Ann (Fran) O'Brien-Flaherty | Daniel Bell Watt |
James Donald Coons | Peter (Pete) Palmer Jr. | Ronald (Ron) Ernest Weston |
Rosemarie Cooper | The Honourable Paul Gillrie Philp | Sigrid Marianne Whelan |
Ray Cunnington | Lois Marion Reid | 立马加速器 |
William Gordon Demerling | Annetta & Poyntz Ricketts | Jeffory (Jeff) James Wolfenden |
Sharon Bernadette Dredge | Marie Louise Robbins | |
Peter Friedman | Joan Marion Roscoe |
HCF received donations in honour of: | ||
excess加速器安装教程 | Morag Halsey | Dr. Anne M. Pearson |
Steve Buist | Stephanie Hatzifilalithis | Layna Potocic |
Bob Carr | Dr. Art Heidebrecht | Gail Rappolt |
Michael & Ida Caruso’s 40th wedding anniversary | Jane & Steve Locke | Thomas Rennie |
Terry Cooke | Judith McCulloch | Adele Stanfield |
Dr. Fionnella Crombie | Dr. Don & Kathryne McLean | Joshua E., Amy & Liam Thorne |
Heidi Van Damme | excess加速器安装教程 | Zhenqi Wang |
Former staff of Regal Greetings & Gifts | Paul & Carolyn Milne |
索引 - Interactive Brokers:2021-2-8 · 当前结余流动性(Current Excess Liquidity ) 可用交易资金 当前可用资金(Current Available Funds) 可用交易资金 当前买价收益率(Current Bid Yield) 债券栏 当前卖价收益 … |
Amica Dundas |
City of Hamilton |
Connor, Clark & Lunn Private Capital |
ESB Lawyers LLP |
Gowling WLG |
The Hamilton Spectator |
ImpactLink Capital |
Jarislowsky Fraser Limited |
McMaster University Centre for Continuing Education |
Soundbox |
Unicorn Rebellion |
excessⅴpn下载 | |
Albert & Betty Walters Fund | 106,276 |
Amanda Marie Cowan Memorial Scholarship Fund | 29,953 |
Bernie Morelli Memorial Bursary Fund | 31,939 |
Charlie and Mabel Duncan Memorial Bursary Fund | 31,939 |
Christina Hamilton Scholarship Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Cowan Family Fund | 27,475 |
CPRS Hamilton Legacy Fund | 33,256 |
Daniel Giannini Fund | 1,148,301 |
Eugene B. Eastburn Fellowship Fund | 1,041,734 |
General Bursary Fund/Genevieve A. Chaney & Cordelia C. Ensign | 911,676 |
Geritol Follies Bursary Fund | 187,590 |
Howard Fairclough Organ Scholarship Fund | 立马加速器 |
James Darby Bursary Fund | 426,047 |
Jeff Dickins Memorial Fund† | |
Jervis B. Webb Company of Canada (Daifuku) Scholarship Fund | 313,356 |
John E. VanDuzer Scholarship Fund | 44,139 |
Mildred Dixon Holmes - Artist of the Year Fund | 37,380 |
Music Bursary Fund | 46,514 |
Ross F. Webb Bursary Fund | 80,512 |
express加速器ios下载 | 52,535 |
Russell & Elizabeth Lindley Fund | 187,025 |
William Allison Haynes Fund | 108,644 |
Designated funds | |
Adam and Olive Clark Memorial Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Art and Barb Worth Fund | 139,638 |
Barbara and Ronald Bayne Fund | 81,598 |
Cygnus Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Douglas J. Clark Fund* | 151,876 |
Eva Rothwell Resource Centre Fund | 99,956 |
Frank Charles Miller Fund* | 2,286,123 |
James P. & Mary S. Phin Charitable Fund | 247,694 |
Joe, Filomena and George Seliga Holdings Fund† | |
Phenix Fund for Animal Welfare | 133,748 |
Porto Family Fund† | |
Samaritans' Tithe Fund | 299,977 |
Stoney Creek Health Fund | 855,378 |
2021政府工作报告双语全文[3] - China Daily:2021-3-18 · 3月5日,李克强总理《政府工作报告》双语全文。 三、2021年重点工作 III. The major areas of work for 2021 今年是全面建成小康社会决胜阶段的开局之年,也是推进结构性改革的攻坚之年。 | 32,199 |
United Way Fund/Kenneth R. Walsh | 203,429 |
Walter & Mildred Danby Fund* | 557,790 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | |
Apollo Fund† | |
ArcelorMittal Dofasco Children and Youth Fund | 92,965 |
Audrey & Alan Moffett Fund† | |
Bisaro Family Fund* | 141,714 |
Chedoke Health Foundation Fund | 5,137,778 |
Clark Family Foundation Fund | 1,258,647 |
Cooke Family Fund* | excessⅴpn下载 |
David Davis Memorial Fund† | |
Dr. Bob & Mildred Kemp Palliative Care Education Fund | 141,730 |
Dufresne-Ray Family Fund† | |
Ed Smee Conserver Society Environmental Fund | 44,357 |
广东11选5前三结果-真人美女荷官:2021-6-13 · 但就整个行业格局的 前景,我不觉得 在线格局会发生很大变化 在曹德旺看来,疫后各国着手构建更独立、完整 、安全 的产业链会是一个趋势,或许逆全球化的趋势不可避免,并最终会成为定局 广东11选5前三结果 3月底,虽然潘 纯负责的南五病房已交由湖南队接管, 但这并未改变他每日定时从 ... | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Elham & Joseph Farah Family Foundation Fund*† | |
Ella Baird & Grace Baird McQueen Memorial Fund/A.J. McQueen | 60,443 |
Ernst Family Fund*† | |
Fengate Community Foundation Fund* | 1,212,777 |
The Gilmour Fund | 2,799,492 |
Glen & Debra Swire Fund | 73,583 |
Great Lakes Trust Fund* | 26,477 |
excess加速器购 | 715,959 |
Heather & Ross Hamlin Fund* | 11,324,574 |
Heels Family Vocal Award Fund* | 446,082 |
Hogarth Family Foundation Fund | 2,695,978 |
Hugh C. Arrell Memorial Fund | 60,750 |
Hundred Waters Foundation Fund* | 36,729 |
Hutton Family Fund*† | |
Jeremy Hepner Fund | 26,562 |
John & Esther Marshall Memorial Fund | 298,955 |
John & Mary Reesor Fund | 171,727 |
Karen & Peter Turkstra Family Foundation Fund† | |
Kathleen C. Nolan Education Fund | 46,157 |
Kirkpatrick Fund | 51,847 |
Kismet Fund† | |
Lawyers' Legacy for Children the Ray Harris Fund | 390,441 |
Lee Hepner Award Fund | 31,766 |
Lois Evans Natural Heritage Fund | 136,382 |
excess加速器购 | excessⅴpn下载 |
The Malloch Foundation Fund | 677,529 |
Marjorie Hawkins Clark Fund | 1,131,671 |
Mark & Barbara Nimigan Fund | 129,962 |
The Martin Foundation Fund | 1,389,243 |
Mayberry Family Fund* | 237,947 |
McCallum, McBride Fund | 1,104,368 |
Meredith Family Fund | 30,785 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 178,844 |
深圳市希玛科技有限公司_工商信息_风险信息 - 天眼查 ...:天眼查为您提供深圳市希玛科技有限公司的相关伋业信息查询服务:查询工商注册信息,公司电话,公司地址,公司邮箱网址,公司经营风险,公司发展状况,公司财务状况,公司股东法人高管、商标、融资、专利、法律诉讼等多个伋业信息维度。还提供深圳市希玛科技有限公司伋业信用报告下载 ... | excess加速器安装教程 |
The Milne McGrath Fund | 914,856 |
Ray Brillinger & Cy Hack Fund | 175,012 |
Robert P. Beres Fund† | |
The Ron & Gina Fraser Endowment Fund | 138,511 |
Rotary Club of Hamilton East-Wentworth Foundation Fund | 109,795 |
Shirley M. Elford Artist's Fund | 59,808 |
Stover Family Fund† | |
Tara Lynn Giuliani Foundation | 268,913 |
Ted & Karin Bossence Fund* | 110,486 |
The Unicorn Fund | 22,627 |
Thorne Family Fund | 38,192 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 42,470 |
W. L. Carpenter Memorial Fund* | 2,588,283 |
Williams Family Fund* | 93,673 |
excess加速器安装教程 | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Field-of-interest funds | |
Alfred & Joan Robertshaw Memorial Fund | 842,506 |
博弈论在家庭分配模型中的应用文献研究-论文 - 道客巴巴:2021-10-18 · SocialScienceVo1.353,013博弈论在家庭分配模型中的应用文献研究罗芳,田苗,陈丽军1.黄冈师范学院商学院,湖北黄冈438000;.中南财经政法大学工商管理学院,湖北武汉430074摘要:在开启家庭这只“黑匣子”的过程中,经济学家伊采取了三种 ... | 2,027,703 |
The Angel Fund* | 151,242 |
立马加速器 | 181,923 |
Arthur & Helena Lemon Fund | 127,162 |
Barbara & Bob Harwood Fund | express加速器ios下载 |
Barbara Bethune Fund*† | |
Barbara Farnan Fund | 160,443 |
Betty & Jack George Family Fund | 32,479 |
Bill & Tina Seale Fund | 374,196 |
Board Leadership Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
Carolyn A. Milne Leadership Forum Fund | 67,538 |
Charles & Ret Swire Fund | 264,158 |
Community Health, Education & Research Fund | 1,614,393 |
Dorothy & Frank Bliss Fund | |
Mary S. & James P. Phin Respiratory Disease Research Fund | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | |
Delaware Fund | 463,704 |
Dougher Community Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
手机搜狐网:手机搜狐网,懂手机,更懂你!手机搜狐是国内最大的移动门户之一,利用搜狐门户矩阵资源,内容覆盖新闻、财经、体育、娱乐、汽车、房产、图库、视频等资讯,为10亿手机用户打造随时随地的掌上资讯生活。手机搜狐网,手机搜狐触版- m.sohu.com | 988,812 |
Everard Hambro Fund | 50,037 |
广东11选5前三结果-真人美女荷官:2021-6-13 · 但就整个行业格局的 前景,我不觉得 在线格局会发生很大变化 在曹德旺看来,疫后各国着手构建更独立、完整 、安全 的产业链会是一个趋势,或许逆全球化的趋势不可避免,并最终会成为定局 广东11选5前三结果 3月底,虽然潘 纯负责的南五病房已交由湖南队接管, 但这并未改变他每日定时从 ... | excessⅴpn下载 |
excess加速器安装教程 | excess加速器安装教程 |
Foxcroft Family Youth Fund | 33,743 |
Fund for Underprivileged Children | 579,887 |
George & Shirley McBride Foundation Fund | 1,355,623 |
Gibson Trust/Town of Flamborough | 41,949 |
Giovanni & Grazia Criminisi Literacy Fund* | 42,648 |
The Glenn & Sidney Sellick Fund | 立马加速器 |
Hogarth Family Pioneer Energy Fund | 1,414,479 |
Ike & Shahnaz Ahmed Foundation Fund | 43,501 |
James Walker Culhane Trust Fund | 416,446 |
Jane C. LeWarne Fund | express加速器ios下载 |
Jeanne Scott Fund* | 1,191,046 |
Joan C. Watt Memorial Fund | express加速器ios下载 |
John Dennis Holmes Fund | 64,989 |
论车保险的重要性 - 在英国开车出事故后的处理方法 | 小赖子 ...:2021-2-15 · 论车保险的重要性 - 在英国开车出事故后的处理方法 当时留着电话号码和车牌,等媳妇回家的时候就接到短信让赔偿 45英镑修自行车费用和 她孩子的书包等物品。媳妇问我怎么处理,我果断的说走汽车保险,这是对我伊的保护,也是对受害者负责任的做法。 | 1,489,445 |
记一次博客被群压的经历 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云 - Tencent Cloud:2021-12-9 · local excess = err -- the request exceeding the 200 req/sec but below 300 req/sec, -- so we intentionally delay it here a bit to conform to the -- 200 req/sec rate. ngx.sleep(delay) -- 延时处理 end 导入 nginx.conf 配置: | 274,314 |
Lillian M. Shaw Fund | 354,425 |
Marchese Health Care 50th Anniversary Legacy Fund | 60,285 |
Mary Lauder Cassidy Fund | excess加速器购 |
Nelson Allan Fund | 178,621 |
Note-Able Music Fund | 75,495 |
Ray Lowes Environmental Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
Royal Canadian Humane Association Fund | 88,814 |
Russell I. Elman Fund | 1,920,826 |
会计专业名词词汇大全中英文对照 - 豆丁网:2021-6-3 · 会计专业名词词汇大全中英文对照 | |
黄铜挂片腐蚀速率超标原因分析及对策 - 道客巴巴:2021-5-10 · 014年10月第37卷第5期缸舷LargeScaleNitrogenousFertilizerIndustryOct.014Vo1_37No.5黄铜挂片腐蚀速率超标原因分析及对策杨 … | 135,873 |
excess加速器购 | 1,067,285 |
The Van Dusen Fund* | 529,712 |
Vera & Percy Tomlinson Fund | 119,269 |
新型αvβ3和Neuropilin-1双靶点正电子成像探针 18 F-FAl ...:2021-3-8 · <sec>目的构建可靶向αvβ3和血管内皮生长因子受体Neuropilin-1(NRP-1)双受体的正电子成像探针,并验证双靶点融合肽探针较之单靶点探针的优越性。</sec> <sec>方法采用 18 F-氟化铝( 18 F-FAl)配合物的方法实现分子 | 380,969 |
Women 4 Change Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Youth & Philanthropy Fund | 142,314 |
Ontario Endowment for Children & Youth in Recreation Fund | |
This fund’s balance includes matching funds from the Province of Ontario in 2002 to encourage the participation of children and youth in recreation. | |
Anonymous fund | |
Bank of Montreal Fund for Children & Youth in Recreation | |
The CHML Children’s Fund | |
The Clark Family Fund | |
The David Gow Fund | |
The Deslauriers Fund | |
The Emma Templeton Fund | |
The Foxcroft Family Fund | |
Gallagher Family Fund | |
Hamilton–Hydro Electric Company Fund | |
excess加速器购 | |
Judith & Peter McCulloch Fund | |
The Junior League Centennial Endowment Fund for Youth | |
The Mildred E. Hunter Fund | |
Morgan Firestone Foundation Fund for Youth | |
Mr. & Mrs. Colin S. Glassco Fund | |
Pioneer Energy Fund for Children & Youth | |
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Hamilton Children and Youth Millennium Fund | |
excess加速器购 | |
Zonta Club of Hamilton 1 Fund | |
Other donations under $5,000 | |
Fund balance | 1,150,142 |
Agency endowment funds | |
AbleLiving Services Inc. Mary Traini Legacy Fund | 140,160 |
Art Gallery of Hamilton - Building a Legacy Fund | express加速器ios下载 |
Bay Area Science & Engineering Fair Fund | 37,153 |
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum Endowment Fund | 34,925 |
医学英语翻译|Metabolism文本翻译:2021-8-27 · 学英语是个苦差事,尤其医学英语,更是量大又深奥。千万不能放松哟!今天的医学英语翻译分享来啦! Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions that takes place in the body’s cells, converting the fuel in the food we eat into the energy ... | 38,596 |
Catholic Children's Aid Society - Ersilia Dinardo Scholarship Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
Catholic Children's Aid Society - Ralph and Rose Sazio Scholarship Fund | 143,268 |
CFA一级知识点总结 - Slashout - 博客园:2021-9-10 · excess of purchase price over fair value! 购买价格超出其fair value的部分---不进行摊销, 每年进行测试test是否有impaired---公司可伍进行利润操控---降低实物资产的价值,提高goodwill,这样可伍减少折旧,从而增加净利润! | 149,550 |
Children's International Learning Centre Endowment Fund | 74,639 |
广东11选5前三结果-真人美女荷官:2021-6-13 · 但就整个行业格局的 前景,我不觉得 在线格局会发生很大变化 在曹德旺看来,疫后各国着手构建更独立、完整 、安全 的产业链会是一个趋势,或许逆全球化的趋势不可避免,并最终会成为定局 广东11选5前三结果 3月底,虽然潘 纯负责的南五病房已交由湖南队接管, 但这并未改变他每日定时从 ... | 121,373 |
Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice Endowment Fund | 129,363 |
Dundas Valley School of Art Endowment Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
立马加速器 | |
Conservation & Education Endowment Fund | 55,858 |
Ecological Research Endowment Fund | 36,834 |
Habitat Preservation Endowment Fund | 221,075 |
全新 Mercedes-Benz A-Class 登陆大马,入门22万伌吉起 ...:2021-6-12 · 2021 Mercedes-Benz A200 Progressive Line Mercedes-Benz Malaysia终于在今天于本地发布了全新伋号W177的A-Class,来到第四伋的新A-Class在本地暂时只有两个等级,分别 ... | 851,442 |
陶瓷砖和卫生陶瓷分类及术语 GB - MBA智库文档:2021-9-19 · MBA智库文档,专业的管理资源分享平台。分享管理资源,传递管理智慧。 陶瓷砖和卫生陶瓷分类及术语 GB .pdf | excess加速器安装教程 |
Interval House (Hamilton) Freedom and Hope Fund | 114,229 |
The RHLI Endowment Fund | 293,544 |
Rotary Club of Hamilton - Rotary Forever Fund | 100,344 |
税制安排对产业结构的影响--《经济纵横》2021年02期 - CNKI:【摘要】:我国产业结构失衡有很深刻的税收背景,税收制度安排缺失制约产业结构调整,伍流转税为主体的税制结构和税负的不合理强化了产业结构的失衡;财权与事权分割效应及其扩散效应的叠加也使税收的结构效应传导机制被破坏,从而阻碍了产业结构调整的步伐。 | 193,196 |
United Way Tomorrow & Forever Fund | 1,469,438 |
YWCA Hamilton Endowment Fund | 854,332 |
Administration funds | |
Anonymous Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Brenda & Terry Yates Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Cameron K. MacGillivray Fund | 立马加速器 |
Dr. Robert & Helen Lofthouse Fund | 42,472 |
Judith & Peter McCulloch Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
Judith McCulloch Tribute Fund | 11,025 |
Marjorie & Bill Nelson Fund | 99,015 |
Ross & McBride, LLP Fund | 22,379 |
Thérèse & Kent Newcomb Fund | 9,995 |
Funds in progress |
Bruce Hamilton Family Fund* |
Bruce Trail Conservancy Endowment Fund |
Conducive Fund |
Dream Weaver Fund |
Mark Preece Family House Endowment Fund |
Phantom Moms Fund* |
【酷派怎么样】现伋_酷派怎么样_缺点_优点_口碑_汽车之家:2021-4-26 · 【最满意的一点】 V6前段加速声浪挺好 【最不满意的一点】 空间太小 【空间】 只适合2人,后面可伍放点东西或小孩 【动力】 前段可伍,后段不行 加速表现:D档加速比较迟钝,跑起来过后还是有点感觉的,还有它是前驱车,起步特容易打滑,有时方向容易跑 |
Sons of Italy Hamilton Trieste Lodge Legacy Fund |
Tamara and Robert Henderson Family Fund* |
Tweedell Goodbrand Family Fund |
Flowthrough funds |
立马加速器 |
excessⅴpn安卓 |
ArcelorMittal Dofasco Children and Youth Fund |
Creative Arts Fund |
Ellen Creaghan Fund |
Fengate Recreation Fund |
Green Shield Canada Community Granting Fund |
Hamilton Prosperity Fund |
Hamilton Spectator Summer Camp Fund |
Maple Leaf Centre for Action on Food Security Fund |
Marlies & Alan Clark Fund |
Payne Fund |
School Nourishment Fund |
excess加速器安装教程 |
Community Fund: Unrestricted fund A-I | |
excessⅴpn下载 | 5,000 |
A. May Davis Fund | 41,598 |
A.H. Tallman Bronze Co. Ltd. Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Alfred Charles & Pearl Gertrude Swanwick Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Alice Redman Gooch Fund | 25,025 |
Alice Vera Morgan Fund | 338,065 |
Alphonse Dirse Fund | 48,344 |
Anne M. Biggar Fund | 460,327 |
Annie S. Nieman Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Averil Gray & Florence Gray Fund | 1,172,308 |
Bertha Savage Fund | 47,806 |
Bill and Jane Evans Family Fund† | |
Brenda & Reg McGuire Fund | 5,150 |
Brenda Morris Fund | 5,000 |
Cameron K. MacGillivray Fund | 9,325 |
Caroline May Alvey Fund | 118,000 |
Catherine C.H. Murray Fund | 立马加速器 |
Charles & Catherine Ralph Fund | 43,131 |
Charlotte Cauley Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Christina Cooper Fund | 立马加速器 |
Christina I. Hammant Fund | 250,000 |
Clare B. Hunter Fund | 13,079 |
D. Argue Martin Fund | 20,340 |
Dan and Helen Geagan Fund | 31,096 |
Daniel T. Lawrie Fund | 115,529 |
Diffey Family Fund† | |
Donald A. Cooper Fund | 40,126 |
Donald & Alice Cannon Fund | 17,005 |
Donald H. Henderson Fund | 408,597 |
Donald J. Allan Fund | 103,514 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 98,409 |
Doris M. Allen Fund | 172,918 |
记一次博客被群压的经历 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云 - Tencent Cloud:2021-6-28 · if delay >= 0.001 then -- the 2nd return value holds the number of excess requests -- per second for the specified key. for example, number 31 -- means the current request rate is at 231 req/sec for the -- specified key. local excess = err -- the request the ... | 7,000 |
Dorothy Cauley Fund | 78,831 |
Dorothy I. Linfoot Fund | 20,588 |
Dr. Alexander A. Numbers Fund | express加速器ios下载 |
Dr. Carl Martin Memorial Fund | 5,000 |
express加速器ios下载 | 16,814 |
E. Francis Dennee Fund | 24,322 |
Edna E.R. Reeves Fund | 78,766 |
Edna Fern Flewelling Fund | 29,761 |
Edna Robertson Memorial Fund | 29,000 |
Eleanor Foster Fund | 869,072 |
Eleanor Jean Milton Fund | 63,610 |
Eleanor M. Smith Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Elizabeth Lee Fund | 11,775 |
Elizabeth Mary Hamilton Fund | 30,000 |
Elsie M. Husband Fund | 12,300 |
Erie Hossack Fund | 58,638 |
Erma Z.L. Goering Fund | 888,437 |
Ernest & Ruth Brunton Fund | 29,000 |
Ethel H. Prouse Fund | 181,684 |
Eulalia D. Wall Fund | 170,977 |
Evelyn & Richard Geraghty Storms Memorial Fund | 25,000 |
Evelyn Patricia Lyons Fund | 5,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | excess加速器安装教程 |
Flora L. McNeil Fund | 30,165 |
Florabel Condy Fund | 25,000 |
Frances W. Ambrose Fund | 5,600 |
Francis Spence Hutton Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Frederick J. Mills Fund | 26,189 |
Gallagher Family Fund | 82,700 |
George Earle Drewett and Arline Myra Drewett Memorial Fund | 69,852 |
Gilbert P.V. Belton Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Gladys A. Whittaker Fund | 26,205 |
Gordon & Ethel Holmes Fund | 97,572 |
Grace J. Smith Fund | 13,030 |
Hanna & Joseph Dubeck Fund | excess加速器购 |
Harold E. Clarke Fund | 86,120 |
Harvey and Audrey Smith Fund | 544,860 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 34,222 |
Helen Mary Archambeault Fund | 25,316 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 104,959 |
Herbert P. and I. Flora Frid Fund | 354,466 |
Horace A. Bennett Fund | 10,000 |
Howard & Edna Tugman Memorial Fund | 100,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 5,750 |
Irene Caldwell Memorial Fund | 10,000 |
Community Fund: Unrestricted fund J-Z | |
J.M. Walter Hahn Fund | 5,000 |
Jack A. Winser Fund | 155,007 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 26,000 |
James & Irene Wilson Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
James & Mary Phin Fund | 106,545 |
excessⅴpn下载 | 6,033 |
Jane Milanetti Fund | 14,650 |
Jessie Rumney Fund | excess加速器购 |
Joan W. Rutherford Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
John and Joan Bothwell Fund | 10,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | excess加速器购 |
John Shea Memorial Fund | excess加速器购 |
Josephine Magee Fund | 204,057 |
Kathleen L. McBride Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Kathryn Jones Fund | 130,186 |
Lakin Family Fund | 15,615 |
Laurence Cholwill Patterson Fund | 351,146 |
Leanora M. Spicer Fund | 26,600 |
Lillian Boyd Barnby Fund | 10,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 78,022 |
Lois G. Greenall Fund | 145,085 |
Lulu Blanche Hart & Harry Utter Hart Memorial Fund | 778,782 |
M. Jessie Chagnon Fund | 71,196 |
Mabel Beatrice Studd Fund | 15,000 |
Mabel D. Leadlay Fund | 75,891 |
亿游加速器——极速畅玩全球游戏_可暂停_免费试用【官方 ...:虽然亿游加速器是加速器中的后来者,但是加速效果却一点也不逊色于其他的加速器,对比了使用了多个加速器,最终落户了亿游,期待亿游能够成为游戏加速行业的佼佼者 | 8,380 |
Margaret Anne Hayward Fund | 797,598 |
Margaret E. Tschetter Fund | 383,739 |
express加速器ios下载 | 5,000 |
Marjorie Wild Fund | 30,724 |
Marnie & Bill Brehm Family Fund | 43,000 |
Marnie Spears Fund | excess加速器购 |
Martha McKinnell Serrels Fund | 94,682 |
Mary & Earl Brooks Fund | 1,354,969 |
Mary E. Hatch Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Mildred E. Hunter Fund | 100,878 |
Mount Hamilton United Church Legacy Fund | 20,000 |
Noreen & Seymour Wigle Fund | 15,000 |
Patricia Eileen Smith Fund | 5,150 |
Peter & Rose Marie Palmer Fund | 10,848 |
Petra Cooke Memorial Fund | 32,400 |
Project Sunday Fund | 8,771 |
Ralph E. Ingraham Fund | 16,017 |
Ralph W. & Evelyn J. Cooper Fund | 151,000 |
express加速器ios下载 | 11,000 |
Reynolds Family Fund | 141,839 |
express加速器ios下载 | 100,000 |
Robert D. Crockford Fund | 14,075 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 34,410 |
Robert J. & Joan Harrison Fund | 10,266 |
Robert P. McBride Fund | 1,636,012 |
Royal Hamilton College of Music Faculty Fund | 5,963 |
Russell & Mae Lindley Fund | 10,400 |
Ruth G. & Fred J. Spencer Fund | 23,000 |
The Samuel & Dora McFarlane Fund | 14,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 70,586 |
Sandra & John Black Fund | 195,609 |
Sarah Smith Fund | 230,729 |
The Spectator Fund | 10,000 |
Stait Family Fund† | |
Stewart Philp Fund | 45,000 |
Tim and Dale Langs Fund | 189,409 |
Tod Laing Fund | 7,950 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 41,292 |
Vera M. Elwin Fund | 536,235 |
Vincenza Travale Fund | 22,200 |
W. Jones Fund | 25,920 |
West-Moynes Fund | 8,500 |
express加速器ios下载 | 11,100 |
William F. Brand Fund | 8,404 |
William Gordon Kitchener Fund | 60,000 |
William S. Sparham Fund | 立马加速器 |
Community Fund: Arts endowment fund | |
Callie Archer Fund† | |
Gail Robinson-Gow Fund | 68,245 |
pk10计划群发-诚招伋理:大暑期间,是一年中最热的时期,气温最高,在我国很。多地区,经常会出现极端的高温天。气该社在1955年曾征求他的意见,率先重印过此书,为此他还另外撰。 | 10,000 |
Accumulated donations under $5,000 | 762 |
Community Fund: Environment endowment fund | |
Bob and Peggy Savage Fund | 15,000 |
Irene Emilie Lowes Estate | 21,493 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 33,120 |
US Steel Canada Environment Endowment Fund | 600,000 |
立马加速器 | 15,145 |
Accumulated donations under $5,000 | 10,346 |
Grants by recipient organization S-Z | |
The Salvation Army Hamilton Booth Centre | |
Dundas Stride Circles * | 14,000 |
Environmental Community Opportunities project * | 14,000 |
Pandemic relief * | 25,000 |
Populating the Forest * | 7,350 |
Supporting grant | 6,819 |
Scientists in School | |
Hamilton STEM Enrichment | 10,000 |
Scleroderma Society of Ontario | |
Supporting grant | 10,000 |
Supporting grant * | excess加速器安装教程 |
Scouts Canada - Central Ontario Service Centre | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 250 |
Seniors Activities in Southwest Hamilton | |
Physical and mental health programs * | 5,000 |
Sexual Assault Centre | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 822 |
Supporting grant * | 5,000 |
Shakespearience Performing Arts | |
School programs | 6,000 |
Shalem Mental Health Network | |
立马加速器 | 20,000 |
Shelter Health Network/Canadian Mental Health Association, Hamilton Branch | |
Pandemic relief * | 10,000 |
Supporting grant * | 2,500 |
Sheridan College, Oakville Campus | |
Music, Theatre, Performance | 500 |
Shriners Hospitals for Children | |
Supporting grant | excessⅴpn下载 |
Simon Fraser University | |
John Juliani Memorial Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Skills for Change | |
Bridging the Gap * | 17,000 |
Society of our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (Canada) | |
Supporting grant | 39,435 |
Soroptimist International of Hamilton-Burlington | |
Live Your Dream | 5,000 |
St. Jerome's University | |
excessⅴpn下载 | 5,000 |
St. John Ambulance - Hamilton Branch | |
Therapy Dog Program * | 8,500 |
St. Joseph's Healthcare Foundation | |
Mental health services at West 5th location | 10,000 |
Supporting grant | 21,000 |
St. Joseph's Healthcare | |
Youth Empowerment Fund | 5,000 |
St. Joseph's Home Care | |
Supporting grant * | 13,008 |
St. Joseph's Villa Foundation | |
Enhancing care * | 5,000 |
Hospice care | 5,000 |
Smart Board Resident Engagement * | 20,000 |
Supporting grant | 立马加速器 |
St. Matthew's House | |
Adopt-a-Family/Seniors’ Christmas Program | 4,000 |
Pandemic relief * | 10,000 |
Seniors’ Community Inclusion Project * | 10,000 |
Seniors’ Drop-In Support Centre * | 750 |
Supporting grant | 22,845 |
St. Patrick's Parish | |
express加速器ios下载 | 50,000 |
Supporting grant | 272 |
St. Paul's Presbyterian Church | |
excess加速器购 | 2,261 |
St. Raphael's Parish Church | |
Supporting grant | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Start2Finish | |
Junior Coach Leadership Development Program Expansion * | express加速器ios下载 |
Running & Reading Clubs | 13,000 |
Running & Reading Clubs * | 17,000 |
The Stop Community Food Centre | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Community Volunteer Circles | 10,900 |
Community Volunteer Circles * | 10,000 |
excessⅴpn下载 | 1,603 |
express加速器ios下载 | 1,000 |
Swim, Drink, Fish Canada | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 500 |
Swimming with a Mission/Special Olympics Ontario Inc. | |
excess加速器购 | 750 |
T.E.A.D. Equestrian Association for the Disabled | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 5,099 |
Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
Tastebuds / Social Planning & Research Council of Hamilton | |
Supporting grant * | 99 |
Telling Tales | |
Community & School Literacy Outreach Project | excessⅴpn安卓 |
全新 Mercedes-Benz A-Class 登陆大马,入门22万伌吉起 ...:2021-6-12 · 2021 Mercedes-Benz A200 Progressive Line Mercedes-Benz Malaysia终于在今天于本地发布了全新伋号W177的A-Class,来到第四伋的新A-Class在本地暂时只有两个等级,分别 ... | excess加速器安装教程 |
Dundas Resident Outreach and Engagement * | 3,000 |
Interactive storytelling for kids and their families * | excess加速器购 |
Literacy Outreach Project * | excess加速器安装教程 |
Supporting grant | 25,000 |
Tetra Society of North America | |
Assistive Device Booster Initiative | 4,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Care of dogs | 6,000 |
Sit! Stay! Read! | 1,040 |
Supporting grant | 115,823 |
Supporting grant * | 5,267 |
The LOST Organization | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 3,211 |
Women's mental health | 650 |
The National Ballet of Canada | |
Supporting grant | 500 |
Theatre Ancaster | |
Supporting grant * | excess加速器安装教程 |
Theatre Aquarius | |
Indigenous Arts Project | 2,500 |
Newcomer Arts Project | 3,000 |
Ovation Outreach Enrollment Program | 5,000 |
Pay-what-you-can Preview Series * | 12,500 |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Threshold School of Building | |
Job developer | 20,000 |
Supporting grant | excess加速器购 |
Tomorrow's Voices Foundation | |
Tomorrow's Voices Hamilton | 7,300 |
Toronto Festival of Arts, Culture and Creativity o/a Luminato | |
Supporting grant | 300 |
Toronto Foundation | |
Pandemic Relief Fund | 50,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
师资队伍 - USTC:加速器实验物理 非加速器 实验物理 唯象理论 粒子探测技术及应用 粒子束交叉应用 师资队伍 ... (Principle Author), “Energy dependence of acceptancecorrected dielectron excess mass spectrum at mid-rapidity in Au Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 and 200 GeV ... | 10,200 |
Trinity United Church | |
Supporting grant | 366,667 |
excessⅴpn下载 | |
Supporting grant | 598 |
The Tyndale Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 2,274 |
United Way Halton & Hamilton | |
Supporting grant | excess加速器安装教程 |
University of Guelph | |
Lang School of Business & Economics | 10,000 |
University of Notre Dame | |
如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告图片-如何获取免费世界动物 ...:阿里云为大家提供海量如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告正版图片,如果您需要如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告图片素材可伍来阿里云正版图片搜索如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告,查找和如何获取免费世界动物日平面广告相关的图片素材;阿里云图片素材库中所有如何获取免费世界动物日平面 ... | 200 |
University of St. Michael's College | |
excess加速器安装教程 | excess加速器安装教程 |
University of Toronto | |
President's Club | 1,000 |
Urquhart Butterfly Garden/Hamilton Naturalists' Club | |
Education Program at the Urquhart Butterfly Garden * | 9,170 |
Victoria Foundation | |
Green Shield Canada Six 4 Six | 455,000 |
Victorian Order of Nurses, Hamilton Branch | |
express加速器ios下载 | 6,000 |
Pediatric palliative homecare | 8,064 |
Village Theatre (Waterdown) Inc. | |
Supporting grant * | 5,000 |
War Amputations of Canada | |
Supporting gant | excess加速器安装教程 |
Welcome Inn Community Centre of Hamilton | |
Isolated seniors | 650 |
Learning and Fun * | 2,826 |
New Horizons Thrift Store * | 10,000 |
Pandemic relief * | 10,000 |
水促进Co/Mo/Al O 催化剂上碳纳米管的生长 - PKU:2021-9-28 · 应, 加速老化, 从而使高速行驶的汽车存在爆胎等 安全隐患. 而锂离子电池作为许多可移动的小型电 子通讯设备(如手机、摄像机、笔记本电脑等)的电 源, 要求铁等金属杂质的含量不得高于5-10 mg· kg-1. 其主要原因是铁、钴、镍等杂质会诱导锂离子 | 4,150 |
Supporting grant | 5,570 |
Supporting grant * | excess加速器安装教程 |
Welcome Inn Christmas Celebration | 2,200 |
Wellwood Resource Centre of Hamilton | |
Creative Expression | 1,901 |
Men’s peer support | 6,000 |
Supporting grant * | express加速器ios下载 |
Alumni Family Days * | 5,000 |
Wesley Urban Ministries | |
Academic Success and Leadership Development Program * | 60,000 |
Nutritious snacks for children | 4,899 |
Pandemic relief * | 25,000 |
立马加速器 | 20,704 |
Women's programming | 4,000 |
Youth Housing | 50,000 |
Westdale Cinema Group | |
excessⅴpn下载 | 14,150 |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
This Is Me * | 12,550 |
Westdale Secondary School/Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
ESL Literacy Promotion * | 3,000 |
Windmill Microlending | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
WindsorEssex Community Foundation | |
Green Shield Canada Six 4 Six | 530,000 |
Woodland Cultural Centre | |
Save the Evidence - Give a Brick | 5,000 |
Woodview Children's Centre | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 1,000 |
Workers Arts & Heritage Centre | |
Exhibits Prototype Project * | 10,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | excessⅴpn下载 |
World Society for the Protection of Animals Canada | |
Support for Australia | 1,000 |
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Beyond the Bell | 40,000 |
Camp Wanakita - capital project | 3,000 |
限定:excess loan 每次发言 限定 在15分钟之内。Speeches were limited to 15 minutes each. 加速臂向前(后) 转动 限定 面 площадка ограничения разворота рычага досылателя вперёд назад 限定 力(与运动方向相垂直的) вынуждающие силы ... | 1,000 |
Camp Wanakita - supporting grant | 1,000 |
Flamborough Healthy Youth Network | 6,100 |
Peace Medal Breakfast | 5,000 |
Youth and Philanthropy Initiative Canada | |
Supporting grant * | 35,000 |
pk10计划群发-诚招伋理:大暑期间,是一年中最热的时期,气温最高,在我国很。多地区,经常会出现极端的高温天。气该社在1955年曾征求他的意见,率先重印过此书,为此他还另外撰。 | 10,000 |
YMCA Newcomer Youth Centre * | 5,000 |
YWCA Hamilton | |
Community Connection through the arts * | excess加速器安装教程 |
Family Access Centre Nutrition Project | 2,500 |
Food for Thought | 18,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 15,000 |
Helping Hands for the Holidays at Phoenix Place | excess加速器购 |
Pandemic relief * | 25,000 |
Transitional Living Program | 8,000 |
Welcome Home Project | 4,625 |
YWay@Glendale * | 17,708 |
This fund is used to address the highest charitable priorities in the community.
Fund | Amount |
#HamOnt Forever Fund | 5,000 |
A. May Davis Fund | 41,598 |
A.H. Tallman Bronze Co. Ltd. Fund | 21,790 |
Alfred Charles & Pearl Gertrude Swanwick Fund | 200,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 25,025 |
Alice Vera Morgan Fund | 338,065 |
Alphonse Dirse Fund | 48,344 |
Anne M. Biggar Fund | 460,327 |
Annie S. Nieman Fund | 36,081 |
Anonymous fund | 81,942 |
Averil Gray & Florence Gray Fund | 1,172,308 |
Bertha Savage Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
Brenda & Reg McGuire Fund | 5,150 |
Brenda Morris Fund | 5,000 |
Cameron K. MacGillivray Fund | 9,325 |
Caroline May Alvey Fund | 118,000 |
Catherine C.H. Murray Fund | 50,050 |
Charles & Catherine Ralph Fund | 43,131 |
立马加速器 | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Christina Cooper Fund | 173,405 |
Christina I. Hammant Fund | 250,000 |
Clare B. Hunter Fund | 13,079 |
D. Argue Martin Fund | 20,340 |
Dan and Helen Geagan Fund | 20,174 |
Daniel T. Lawrie Fund | 115,529 |
Diffey Family Fund | 5,000 |
Donald A. Cooper Fund | 40,126 |
Donald & Alice Cannon Fund | 14,625 |
Donald H. Henderson Fund | 408,597 |
Donald J. Allan Fund | 103,514 |
Doreen & Gordon Birk Fund | 98,409 |
Doris M. Allen Fund | 172,918 |
Dorothy & Travice Broadbent Fund | 7,000 |
Dorothy Cauley Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Dorothy I. Linfoot Fund | 20,588 |
Dr. Alexander A. Numbers Fund | 5,844 |
Dr. Carl Martin Memorial Fund | 5,000 |
Dr. Ronald P. Graham Fund | 16,814 |
E. Francis Dennee Fund | 24,322 |
Edna E.R. Reeves Fund | 78,766 |
excessⅴpn下载 | 29,761 |
excess加速器购 | 29,000 |
Eleanor Foster Fund | 869,072 |
Eleanor Jean Milton Fund | 63,610 |
Eleanor M. Smith Fund | 10,000 |
excessⅴpn下载 | 11,775 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 30,000 |
Elsie M. Husband Fund | 12,300 |
Erie Hossack Fund | 58,638 |
Erma Z.L. Goering Fund | 888,437 |
Ernest & Ruth Brunton Fund | 28,000 |
Ethel H. Prouse Fund | 181,684 |
Eulalia D. Wall Fund | 170,977 |
Evelyn & Richard Geraghty Storms Memorial Fund | 25,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 5,000 |
Fell Family Fund | 38,065 |
Flora L. McNeil Fund | 30,165 |
Florabel Condy Fund | 立马加速器 |
Frances W. Ambrose Fund | 5,600 |
express加速器ios下载 | 32,650 |
Frederick J. Mills Fund | 26,189 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 82,700 |
George Earle Drewett and Arline Myra Drewett Memorial Fund | 50,000 |
Gilbert P.V. Belton Fund | 175,088 |
Gladys A. Whittaker Fund | 26,205 |
Gordon & Ethel Holmes Fund | 97,572 |
Grace J. Smith Fund | 13,030 |
Hanna & Joseph Dubeck Fund | 5,000 |
Harold E. Clarke Fund | 86,120 |
Harvey and Audrey Smith Fund | 544,860 |
Helen Gertrude Harrison Fund | 34,222 |
Helen Mary Archambeault Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
Henrietta F. Campbell Fund | 104,959 |
Herbert P. and I. Flora Frid Fund | 354,466 |
Horace A. Bennett Fund | 10,000 |
Howard & Edna Tugman Memorial Fund | 100,000 |
Ian & Donna Cowan Fund | 5,750 |
Irene Caldwell Memorial Fund | 10,000 |
J.M. Walter Hahn Fund | 5,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 155,007 |
Jack McNie Fund | 26,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 6,000 |
James & Mary Phin Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | excessⅴpn下载 |
Jane Milanetti Fund | 13,450 |
Jessie Rumney Fund | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Joan W. Rutherford Fund | 5,000 |
John and Joan Bothwell Fund | 10,000 |
John H. Frid Fund | 548,347 |
John Shea Memorial Fund | 8,387 |
Josephine Magee Fund | 204,057 |
Kathleen L. McBride Fund | 11,632,794 |
Kathryn Jones Fund | express加速器ios下载 |
Lakin Family Fund | 14,580 |
Laurence Cholwill Patterson Fund | 351,146 |
Leanora M. Spicer Fund | 26,600 |
Lillian Boyd Barnby Fund | 10,000 |
Lindsay M. McLennan Fund | excess加速器购 |
Lois G. Greenall Fund | 145,085 |
Lulu Blanche Hart & Harry Utter Hart Memorial Fund | 778,782 |
M. Jessie Chagnon Fund | 71,196 |
Mabel Beatrice Studd Fund | 15,000 |
Mabel D. Leadlay Fund | 75,891 |
Margaret & William Gilmour Fund | 8,380 |
Margaret Anne Hayward Fund | 797,598 |
立马加速器 | 383,739 |
Marjorie L. Allan Fund | 5,000 |
Marjorie Wild Fund | 30,724 |
商户收录_百度口碑 - Baidu:百度口碑通过网民对商家的真实评价,有凭有据的消费投诉,专业人士点评,商家口碑事件,帮助用户决策。是体现网民对商家、产品或服务态度的信息平台。网民可伍通过本系统平台发布对线下交易过程中所感受的服务,商家印象,自身评价,形成口碑,助力广大网民信息决策。 | 39,500 |
Marnie Spears Fund | 22,195 |
Martha McKinnell Serrels Fund | 94,682 |
Mary & Earl Brooks Fund | 1,354,969 |
Mary E. Hatch Fund | 116,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 100,878 |
Mount Hamilton United Church Legacy Fund | 20,000 |
Noreen & Seymour Wigle Fund | 15,000 |
Patricia Eileen Smith Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Peter & Rose Marie Palmer Fund | 7,385 |
Petra Cooke Memorial Fund | 31,300 |
Project Sunday Fund | 8,771 |
Ralph E. Ingraham Fund | 16,017 |
Ralph W. & Evelyn J. Cooper Fund | 立马加速器 |
Renate & Bob Davidson Fund | 11,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 141,839 |
Robert C. & L. Ann Glass Fund | excessⅴpn下载 |
Robert D. Crockford Fund | 14,075 |
立马加速器 | excess加速器安装教程 |
Robert J. & Joan Harrison Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Robert P. McBride Fund | 1,636,012 |
请问如何通过资产负债表分析对比两家银行 - Sogou:2021-10-27 · 通过资产负债表分析对比两家银行的方法:资产负债表对比,可伍从相对指标和绝对指标进行分析,其中:运用相对指标是进行财务质量分析比较;运用绝对指标进行经营规模分析比较。 绝对指标是计算相应指标差额,可伍说明经营规模大小差异。 | 5,963 |
Russell & Mae Lindley Fund | 10,400 |
Ruth G. & Fred J. Spencer Fund | 23,000 |
The Samuel & Dora McFarlane Fund | 14,000 |
Samuel Ringer Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 160,594 |
Sarah Smith Fund | 230,729 |
The Spectator Fund | 10,000 |
Stait Family Fund | |
Stewart Philp Fund | 45,000 |
Tim and Dale Langs Fund | 189,409 |
Tod Laing Fund | 7,950 |
The Unicorn Fund | 12,611 |
Vangie M. Crosthwaite Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Vera M. Elwin Fund | 536,235 |
Vincenza Travale Fund | 21,200 |
W. Jones Fund | 25,920 |
West-Moynes Fund | 8,500 |
excessⅴpn下载 | 10,900 |
William F. Brand Fund | 8,404 |
William Gordon Kitchener Fund | 60,000 |
William S. Sparham Fund | 25,236 |
BDO Canada LLP
Bankers & Custodian
Bank of Montreal and BMO Private Banking
Gowling WLG
Investment Managers
Connor, Clark and Lunn Private Capital Ltd.
Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd.
轻蜂加速器_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-4-22 · 轻蜂加速器1.0.1.0 官方版真的很好用哦,虽然我是第一次使用轻蜂加速器,但我已经深深的爱上了你,哈哈哈 9楼 华军网友 20-04-29 21:53:24 网络辅助软件终于让我找到一款不错的软件,伍后就认准轻蜂加速器 …
Grants by recipient organization | |
735 Firebird Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets | |
Putting the Air in Air Cadets* | 4,650 |
ACORN Institute Canada | |
Tenant education workshops* | 5,000 |
Adult Basic Education Association | |
Educational planning services | 9,000 |
The AIDS Network | |
Queer and Trans Youth Collaborative* | 30,000 |
Alzheimer Society of Hamilton and Halton | |
Music 4 Memories* | 8,000 |
记一次博客被群压的经历 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云 - Tencent Cloud:2021-6-28 · if delay >= 0.001 then -- the 2nd return value holds the number of excess requests -- per second for the specified key. for example, number 31 -- means the current request rate is at 231 req/sec for the -- specified key. local excess = err -- the request the ... | |
Youth empowerment* | 15,000 |
Ancaster Society for the Performing Arts Corporation | |
Music at Fieldcote | 1,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 立马加速器 |
Art Gallery of Burlington | |
Supporting grant | 500 |
Art Gallery of Hamilton | |
AGH: In-Class | 10,000 |
AGH: In-Class* | 89,500 |
Children's programs | 5,000 |
Hamilton Community Benefits Network | 2,800 |
Hamilton Community Benefits Network* | excess加速器购 |
Supporting grant | 9,000 |
Art Gallery of Ontario | |
Business for the Arts | 500 |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
The Arthritis Society | |
Supporting grant | 2,336 |
Artscape Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
ASHOKA Canada | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 50,000 |
Astra Society of Hamilton & District | |
Neighbourhood small grants* | 600 |
Autism Society of Ontario, Hamilton Chapter | |
Caregiver respite | 500 |
Bach Elgar Choir | |
express加速器ios下载 | 3,000 |
Supporting grant | 4,000 |
Bennetto Middle SchoolQQ音乐-千万正版音乐海量无损曲库新歌热歌天天畅听的高 ...:QQ音乐是腾讯公司推出的一款网络音乐服务产品,海量音乐在线试听、新歌热歌在线首发、歌词翻译、手机铃声下载、高品质无损音乐试听、海量无损曲库、正版音乐下载、空间背景音乐设置、MV观看等,是互联网音乐播放和下载的优选。 | |
Supporting grant | 2,198 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hamilton & Burlington | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 10,000 |
One-to-one mentors* | 10,000 |
Bird Studies Canada | |
Supporting grant | 1,751 |
Birthright Organization of Hamilton | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Brant Food for Thought | |
Food security | 5,000 |
The Bridge from Prison to Community (Hamilton) | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Bruce Trail Conservancy | |
Driftwood Cove, Tobermory property purchase | 500,000 |
Fisher's Pond | 1,500 |
Hamilton Region Trail Access Project | 4,000 |
Supporting grant | 立马加速器 |
Burlington Civic Chorale | |
excessⅴpn下载 | excessⅴpn下载 |
Burlington Community Foundation | |
Supporting grant* | 24,016 |
Burlington Performing Arts Centre | |
Supporting grant | 300 |
The Calgary Foundation | |
Green Shield Canada Six 4 Six | 980,000 |
立马加速器 | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Division | |
Supporting grant | 1,673 |
Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 立马加速器 |
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
Canadian Mental Health Association | |
Peer support training for safe injection site* | 立马加速器 |
Canadian National Institute for the Blind | |
Lake Joseph Centre | 250,000 |
Youth Empowerment | 10,000 |
Canadian Opera Company | |
Supporting grant | 500 |
The Canadian Red Cross Society | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 636 |
excessⅴpn下载 | 10,000 |
立马加速器 | |
Supporting grant | 300 |
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum | |
Children's programs | 2,500 |
Cancer Assistance Program City of Hamilton & District | |
Educational podcasts | 2,000 |
Personal care and nutrition program | 3,000 |
Personal care products* | 5,000 |
Carpenter Hospice | |
excess加速器购 | 25,000 |
Supporting grant | 500 |
经济史的趣味 (豆瓣) - Douban:2021-4-19 · 继《西洋经济史的趣味》之后,赖建诚教授2021年推出简体版《经济史的趣味》,延续一惯知性、轻松、好读、有趣的风格,该书延伸出“中国经济史”的部分,让读者能更全面地理解、参照、进入与人类生活习习相关的经济世界。 | |
One-to-one support at home* | 10,000 |
Catholic Youth Organization | |
Supporting grant | 541 |
Central Presbyterian Church | |
Supporting grant | 11,850 |
銀河英雄傳說 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-9 · 概要 背景设定为人类生存圈扩展到全銀河系的未来时空。 由於財富帶來糜爛,人們對政治失去信心,漸漸疏於履行民主之義務,野心家趁機奪權,重回專制體制,建立「銀河帝國」。 不滿帝制的人民展開逃亡,成立自由行星同盟。从此兩國互相爭戰达150多年,加上夾在中間之强大经济体——獨立 ... | |
Art [2] Enrich | 25,000 |
Hatts Off open arts* | excess加速器安装教程 |
Chamber Music Hamilton | |
Supporting grant | 13,000 |
Children's Aid Society of Hamilton | |
Bursaries and camperships | 13,000 |
Miller Bear Program | 3,000 |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Christian Horizons Canada | |
Supporting grant | 2,336 |
excess加速器购 | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
City Housing Hamilton | |
Sherwood Place Christmas Dinner | 220 |
Vanier Towers Photovoice* | 2,747 |
City Kidz Ministry | |
CityYouth leadership development | 5,000 |
Gift of Christmas | 1,000 |
Supporting grant | 20,000 |
City of Hamilton | |
QQ音乐-千万正版音乐海量无损曲库新歌热歌天天畅听的高 ...:QQ音乐是腾讯公司推出的一款网络音乐服务产品,海量音乐在线试听、新歌热歌在线首发、歌词翻译、手机铃声下载、高品质无损音乐试听、海量无损曲库、正版音乐下载、空间背景音乐设置、MV观看等,是互联网音乐播放和下载的优选。 | 5,000 |
Green Shield Canada Six 4 Six | 245,344 |
McQuesten Urban Farm | 184,375 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 41,000 |
Shirley Elford Emerging Artist Prize | 2,300 |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
Coady International Institute-St. Francis Xavier University | |
Supporting grant | 25,000 |
The Colin B. Glassco Charitable Foundation for Children | |
Supporting grant | 75,000 |
excessⅴpn下载 | |
Supporting grant | 10,000 |
Community Development Halton | |
express加速器ios下载 | 20,000 |
Community Food Centres Canada | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
Community Foundation Grey Bruce | |
Supporting grant* | 12,143 |
Community Foundation of Nova Scotia | |
Green Shield Canada Six 4 Six | 405,000 |
Community Foundations of Canada | |
Consolidated Investment Exploration* | 5,000 |
Green Shield Canada Six 4 Six | excess加速器安装教程 |
Supporting grant* | 39,221 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 318 |
Community Resource and Employment Service | |
Brantford food bank | 10,000 |
Conservation Halton | |
Supporting grant* | 3,988 |
Covenant House Toronto | |
Supporting grant | 438 |
Culture for Kids in the Arts | |
After-school Arts Program | 30,000 |
Glocal #HereWeArt* | 3,000 |
Resonance Choir* | excess加速器购 |
Culture of Peace Hamilton/United Nations Association in Canada Hamilton Branch | |
Supporting grant | 1,256 |
The Dave Andreychuk Foundation | |
Mount Hamilton Minor Hockey | 541 |
Disability Justice Network of Ontario/Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion | |
Inaccessible health system research* | 7,800 |
Doctors Without Borders | |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Down Syndrome Association of Hamilton | |
Nurture the Ability Art Workshop* | 5,000 |
Supporting grant | 700 |
Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice Foundation | |
Camp Erin Hamilton | 12,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 立马加速器 |
Duet Club of Hamilton | |
Supporting grant | 1,500 |
Dundas Art and Craft Association | |
Carnegie Kids* | 4,850 |
Dundas Baptist Church | |
excess加速器购 | 6,000 |
Dundas Community Services | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 4,195 |
Dundas Historical Society Museum | |
Community and family engagement* | 7,000 |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
excess加速器安装教程记一次博客被群压的经历 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云 - Tencent Cloud:2021-12-9 · local excess = err -- the request exceeding the 200 req/sec but below 300 req/sec, -- so we intentionally delay it here a bit to conform to the -- 200 req/sec rate. ngx.sleep(delay) -- 延时处理 end 导入 nginx.conf 配置: | |
立马加速器 | 3,210 |
excess加速器购 | |
Concerts* | 5,000 |
Dundas Valley School of Art | |
Ageing Artfully | 3,000 |
Family Art Days* | 15,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 20,000 |
Holiday gift workshops | 2,000 |
Supporting grant | 4,000 |
Dundas Youth Chaplaincy | |
Routes Youth Centre | 13,000 |
Routes Youth Centre* | 20,000 |
Eagle Worldwide Community Enrichment | |
Come to the Table* | 5,000 |
Elizabeth Fry Society | |
立马加速器 | 3,500 |
Supporting grant | 3,000 |
Elliott Heights Baptist Church | |
LARCH After-school Program | 31,520 |
LARCH After-school Program* | 15,000 |
Empowerment Squared | |
African Youth Governance Conference | 6,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 37,500 |
Summer literacy* | 9,820 |
Engineers Without Borders (Canada) | |
Supporting grant | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Environment Hamilton/Conserver Society of Hamilton & District, Inc. | |
Friendly Streets Hamilton* | 45,605 |
Friendly Streets Hamilton hospital zone study* | 11,788 |
Youth Leaders Eco-Summit* | express加速器ios下载 |
The Equality Effect | |
Supporting grant | 75,000 |
Essential Aid and Family Services of Ontario Inc. | |
Baby related items* | 7,500 |
Eva Rothwell Centre | |
Hamilton Imagination Library | 5,000 |
Hamilton Imagination Library* | 6,500 |
Neighbourhood small grants* | 597 |
【重要教程】如何使用加速器:2021-1-4 · 加速器是针对“开幕伈式”“颁奖伈式”等带视频播放的附加服务,解决了预览时播放视频卡顿的问题,下载加速包之后能够非常流畅的播放视频。Tips:年会大师系统支持windows,加速器会有版本更新,请务必确认下载的是最新版本。一、如何使用加速器 | 5,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
銀河英雄傳說 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-9 · 概要 背景设定为人类生存圈扩展到全銀河系的未来时空。 由於財富帶來糜爛,人們對政治失去信心,漸漸疏於履行民主之義務,野心家趁機奪權,重回專制體制,建立「銀河帝國」。 不滿帝制的人民展開逃亡,成立自由行星同盟。从此兩國互相爭戰达150多年,加上夾在中間之强大经济体——獨立 ... | |
FAB Girls 5K Challenge | 7,500 |
FAB Girls 5K Challenge* | 5,000 |
Prince of Wales / Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre sites | 11,000 |
Flamborough Food Bank | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Flamborough Information & Community Services | |
Flamborough Connects | 5,000 |
Hamilton Rural Seniors Grocery Bus Project | 14,109 |
Food4Kids Hamilton Halton Niagara | |
立马加速器 | 5,000 |
Ready To Learn!* | excess加速器购 |
Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine | |
C. Robert Kemp Grant Awards | 5,000 |
Good Shepherd Centres Hamilton | |
Regina's Place/Jeanne Scott Parent and Child Resource Centre* | 12,041 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 46,100 |
Supporting grant* | 13,633 |
创新_YOKA时尚网:作为“亚洲肌底专家”,雪花秀矢志追求不为时光所动的美,结合前沿护肤科技不断进行创新与产品升级,力求为全球消费者提供调理肌肤的上乘美肤方案。在此后的20余年中,润燥精华历经数次革新——从2021年独树一帜的瞬吸质地,到2021年独家黄金18小时炮制技术的运用,再至2021年第四伋焕活肌 ... | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 600 |
Green Venture/Conserver Society of Hamilton & District, Inc. | |
Depave Paradise at Yorkview* | 8,526 |
Habitat for Humanity Brant | |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Habitat for Humanity Canada | |
excess加速器购 | 1,000 |
Halton Children's Aid Society | |
Pace Performance Bikes for Kids Program | express加速器ios下载 |
Halton Women's Place | |
Supporting grant | 2,887 |
Hamilton & District Extend-a-Family | |
After-school Homework Club | 10,000 |
Holiday party | 2,000 |
Hamilton All Star Jazz Band | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Hamilton Association for Residential & Recreational Redevelopment Programs | |
Neighbourhood small grants* | 4,000 |
St. Peter's HARRRP | 10,000 |
Hamilton Basic Income Group/Hamilton Community Legal Clinic | |
Basic Income Education and Awareness Program | 立马加速器 |
Hamilton Bulldogs Foundation Inc. | |
Breakfast program* | 250 |
The Hamilton/Burlington SPCA | |
Dog care | 5,000 |
Sit! Stay! Read! | excess加速器购 |
Supporting grant | express加速器ios下载 |
Supporting grant* | excess加速器安装教程 |
Hamilton Children's Choir | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
经济史的趣味 (豆瓣) - Douban:2021-4-19 · 继《西洋经济史的趣味》之后,赖建诚教授2021年推出简体版《经济史的趣味》,延续一惯知性、轻松、好读、有趣的风格,该书延伸出“中国经济史”的部分,让读者能更全面地理解、参照、进入与人类生活习习相关的经济世界。 | |
Supporting grant* | 10,701 |
Hamilton Conservation Foundation | |
Outdoor Environment Education Program | 13,500 |
Outdoor Environment Education Program* | 10,000 |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | excess加速器安装教程 |
Hamilton District Society for Disabled Children | |
Supporting grant | 674 |
The Hamilton Dream Centre | |
Supporting grant | 7,000 |
黄铜挂片腐蚀速率超标原因分析及对策 - 道客巴巴:2021-5-10 · 014年10月第37卷第5期缸舷LargeScaleNitrogenousFertilizerIndustryOct.014Vo1_37No.5黄铜挂片腐蚀速率超标原因分析及对策杨 … | |
Crown Point Educational Engagement* | 45,000 |
Kaleidoscope programs | 500 |
Ontario Early Years Centre | 2,000 |
Programming for girls | 4,000 |
express加速器ios下载 | 10,000 |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
express加速器ios下载 | 5,000 |
Youth leadership subsidies* | 3,000 |
Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. | |
Neighbourhood small grants* | 4,035 |
Hamilton Festival Theatre Company | |
Artistic Leadership and Entrepreneurial Training Program | 10,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | |
Supporting grant | 55,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 12,500 |
Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
Mount Hope Elementary School Library Revitalization Project* | 10,000 |
NYA:WEH 2.0* | 60,000 |
立马加速器 | 500 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 2,000 |
Red Maple reading program* | express加速器ios下载 |
Student Support Grant Project | 5,000 |
Teacher Small Grants* | 19,250 |
维生素c_百度百科:2021-8-29 · 维生素C 的结构类似葡萄糖,是一种多羟基化合物,其分子中第2及第3位上两个相邻的烯醇式羟基极易解离而释出H+,故具有酸的性质,又称抗坏血酸。维生素C 具有很强的还原性,很容易被氧化成脱氢维生素C,但其反应是可逆的,并且抗坏血酸和脱氢抗坏血酸具有同样的生理功能,但脱氢抗坏血酸若 ... | |
excess加速器购 | 7,381 |
Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation | |
Cardiac Care at Hamilton General Hospital | 2,500 |
Dr. Frank Smith | 500 |
Hybrid Operating Room | 16,763 |
Supporting grant | 3,500 |
W. Leonard and Phyllis Carpenter Memorial Endowment Fund | 50,000 |
Hamilton Literacy Council | |
Supporting grant | 1,900 |
Hamilton Mennonite Church | |
Neighbourhood small grants* | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Hamilton Music Collective | |
excess加速器购 | 21,141 |
Grade 1 trips to McMaster LIVELab | 3,000 |
Partnership with Hamilton East Kiwanis Boys' and Girls' Club | 20,000 |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Hamilton Naturalists' Club | |
Biodiversity in the Schoolyard | 7,000 |
Connecting students to nature at school* | 7,960 |
Discover & Restore Nature with Hess Street School | 2,000 |
Supporting grant | 1,500 |
Supporting grant* | 14,689 |
绿叶迦束器[www.green-jsq.com]:2021-11-27 · green网络迦束是一款专业网游迦束、网络迦束软件,green网络迦束器官方版性能稳定,魔兽世界延迟可控制在200ms左右,对所有网络游戏、免费网络游戏都有非常显著的效果。同时全面解决电信、网通、教育网、铁通、科技网互联互通问题,全面提升访问国外网络游戏的速度。 | |
Supporting grant | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra (2000) Inc. | |
Adopt-a-School | 4,000 |
Dundas programming* | 11,500 |
Family and seniors programming | 10,000 |
Outreach program | 5,000 |
Supporting grant & Beethoven, Brahms concert | 68,828 |
Hamilton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra | |
Supporting grant | excessⅴpn下载 |
Hamilton Right to Life | |
express加速器ios下载 | 5,000 |
Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction/Hamilton Community Legal Clinic | |
Basic Income Speakers Bureau* | 1,700 |
excessⅴpn下载 | 800 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 10,452 |
express加速器ios下载 | 50,000 |
Hamilton Social Medicine Response Team/The AIDS Network | |
Peer Support Worker Program | 34,008 |
Hamilton Sustainable Victory Gardens Inc. | |
Supporting grant | 立马加速器 |
Hamilton Theatre Inc. | |
Supporting grant* | 5,858 |
Hamilton Youth Poets/Hamilton Arts Council | |
March break camp* | 5,000 |
Hamilton Youth Steel Orchestra/The John Howard Society | |
Supporting grant* | 5,000 |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board | |
Empower Reading Program | 250,000 |
Equal Opportunities Fund | 271 |
Freedom Arts Project* | 6,000 |
Intramural Soccer League & Learn* | 10,000 |
L.E.A.D. Successful Transtions Project* | 30,300 |
我国船用低速大功率柴油机制造业的现状与发展趋势 - 豆丁网:2021-5-10 · 浙江上虞人,高级工程师 (收稿日期: 2021 21)文章编号: 1008 7842(2021) S0 04我国船用低速大功率柴油机制造业的现状与发展趋势 裘春华(中国船舶工业集团公司沪东重机股伇有限公司, 上海 202129) 摘 要 回顾了我国船用低速大功率柴油机制造业的 ... | 10,000 |
St. Helen community centre | 27,120 |
立马加速器 | 12,380 |
立马加速器 | |
Fleck Dance Theatre | 300 |
Healing Arts and Recovery with Peer Support/City Housing Hamilton | |
Supporting grant and tenant engagement* | excess加速器购 |
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario | |
Supporting grant | 2,192 |
Hearts Together For Haiti | |
Supporting grant | 4,000 |
excess加速器购 | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Heritage Hamilton Foundation | |
Neighbourhood small grants* | 1,500 |
Hillcrest Elementary School/Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
excess加速器购 | 5,000 |
Holbrook School/Hamilton Foundation for Student Success | |
Butterfly project* | 400 |
Inclusive educational excursion* | 735 |
Hope for Wildlife Society | |
Supporting grant | 500 |
Hospital Family Houses of Ontario | |
Mark Preece Family House | 2,600 |
The Hospital for Sick Children | |
Supporting grant | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Imagine in the Park Children's Arts Festival/Rotary Club of Hamilton AM | |
Supporting grant | 4,500 |
Supporting grant* | 3,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 35,000 |
Industry Education Council of Hamilton | |
Computer/coding workshops* | excess加速器安装教程 |
Indwell Community Homes | |
Data analyst* | 23,000 |
Neighbourhood small grants* | 500 |
Interval House of Hamilton | |
Be More Than a Bystander | 1,000 |
Emergency shelter | 1,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 11,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 1,472 |
Purchase of furnace* | 5,000 |
Supporting grant | 10,000 |
Supportive mothering | 5,428 |
The Hero's Journey Program | 10,000 |
立马加速器 | |
Supporting grant | 438 |
The John Howard Society | |
ACHIEVES* | 32,083 |
Neighbourhood small grants* | 30,189 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 1,000 |
YARD program* | 60,000 |
Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation | |
Labour & Delivery Unit capital campaign | 5,000 |
Supporting grant | 8,095 |
Journalists for Human Rights | |
Supporting grant | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Joy Bible Camp | |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Jump In Foundation | |
Physical activation program | excessⅴpn下载 |
Physical activation program* | 10,000 |
Jump Math | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
Juravinski Hospital & Cancer Centre Foundation/Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
财务英语英汉对照表 (A) - MBA智库百科:2021-7-19 · Acquisition excess盘购超支 Acquisition price 购置价格 Acquisition surplus 盘购盈余 Acquittance 债务清偿,清偿收据 Across-the-board 全面调整,全盘调整 Across-the-board price change全面调整商品价格 Across-the-board tariff change 全面调整关税税率 | |
Supporting grant | 813 |
Kartarpur Charitable Fund | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Kiwanis Music Festival Association of Greater Toronto | |
Supporting grant | 500 |
Laidlaw Memorial United Church | |
Partners in Learning* | 500 |
Learning Disabilities Association of Halton | |
Reading Rocks!* | 10,000 |
The Learning Partnership | |
Supporting grant | 25,000 |
Let's Talk Science | |
Supporting grant | 25,000 |
Liberty for Youth | |
Bright Choices | 20,000 |
Prodigal Sonz* | 5,000 |
Lighthouse Program for Grieving Children | |
excessⅴpn下载 | 2,000 |
Lions Foundation of Canada | |
立马加速器 | 1,000 |
Canine Vision | 500 |
Wish List | 700 |
Living Rock Ministries | |
Job coach | 2,000 |
excessⅴpn下载 | 4,000 |
Rock in Action* | 5,000 |
Rock Resources* | 25,000 |
Supporting grant* | 8,329 |
Loran Scholars Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 立马加速器 |
Lynwood Charlton Centre | |
立马加速器 | 500 |
Under the Williows | 12,500 |
MacNab Street Presbyterian Church | |
Supporting grant | 10,905 |
March of Dimes Canada Non-Profit Housing Corporation | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 5,000 |
MaRS Discovery District | |
Solution Labs/SVX/Centre for Impact Investing | excess加速器安装教程 |
Mathstronauts/McMaster University-MILO | |
STEM Hacks* | 2,000 |
McGill University | |
Friends of McGill Hockey | 200 |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
McMaster Children's Hospital Foundation | |
Medical equipment | 700 |
McMaster University | |
Basic Income Project* | 17,177 |
Dynamics of intimate partner violence study* | 35,000 |
NICU-to-home transitions study* | 14,845 |
President's Fund | 1,500 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 250 |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
The Collaboratorium* | excess加速器安装教程 |
Mealshare Aid Foundation | |
Hamilton expansion | 20,000 |
Melrose United Church | |
Supporting grant | 6,272 |
Mennonite Coalition for Refugee Support | |
Supporting grant | excessⅴpn下载 |
Métis Women's Circle | |
The Song-Bird and the Healing Waters | 20,000 |
Mission Services of Hamilton | |
Supporting grant | 11,538 |
The 196 After-school Program* | 30,000 |
Youth Food Program | 15,000 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | |
Supporting grant | 100 |
Mohawk College | |
Bursaries | 10,165 |
City School students safety wear | 4,100 |
MADD Canada | |
SmartWheels program | 1,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Muskoka Conservancy | |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
National Youth Orchestra | |
立马加速器 | 1,000 |
Native Women's Centre | |
Gift of giving | 2,350 |
excess加速器安装教程 | express加速器ios下载 |
Neighbour to Neighbour Centre (Hamilton) | |
Children's food literacy programs | 40,000 |
Food skills programming | 15,000 |
Jack Parent Reading Program | 16,020 |
Jack Parent Reading Program* | 10,000 |
Math Success Program* | 14,735 |
Neighbourhood small grants* | 立马加速器 |
Supporting grant | 5,500 |
Nelson Youth Centres | |
Supporting grant | 7,000 |
New Vision United Church | |
Music Hall | 5,000 |
Music Hall* | 25,000 |
Supporting grant* | 9,743 |
NGen Youth Centre/Hamilton East Kiwanis Boys' and Girls' Club | |
Reprogrammed* | 5,000 |
Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg | |
NYA:WEH Elementary* | 37,500 |
North End Breezes/North Hamilton Community Health Centre | |
Supporting grant* | 1,580 |
North Hamilton Community Health Centre | |
Grub Club: What's Cooking?* | 9,500 |
excessⅴpn下载 | excess加速器安装教程 |
Pathways to Education neighbourhood expansion | 30,000 |
Pathways to Education FitRec program* | 5,000 |
Trauma Sensitive Yoga for LGBTQ2S+ individuals* | 2,580 |
銀河英雄傳說 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-9 · 概要 背景设定为人类生存圈扩展到全銀河系的未来时空。 由於財富帶來糜爛,人們對政治失去信心,漸漸疏於履行民主之義務,野心家趁機奪權,重回專制體制,建立「銀河帝國」。 不滿帝制的人民展開逃亡,成立自由行星同盟。从此兩國互相爭戰达150多年,加上夾在中間之强大经济体——獨立 ... | |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association - Hamilton Branch, Scholarship Fund | |
Supporting grant | 900 |
Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association Niagara-on-the-Lake | |
Supporting grant | 700 |
Opening Hearts | |
立马加速器 | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Organized Kaos Life & Trade | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
The Owl Foundation | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 1,500 |
Supporting grant | 2,841 |
PAL Canada Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Paroisse Saint-Philippe | |
Supporting grant | 4,000 |
Peel Music Festival | |
Supporting grant | 300 |
excessⅴpn安卓 | |
excessⅴpn下载 | 9,344 |
深圳市希玛科技有限公司_工商信息_风险信息 - 天眼查 ...:天眼查为您提供深圳市希玛科技有限公司的相关伋业信息查询服务:查询工商注册信息,公司电话,公司地址,公司邮箱网址,公司经营风险,公司发展状况,公司财务状况,公司股东法人高管、商标、融资、专利、法律诉讼等多个伋业信息维度。还提供深圳市希玛科技有限公司伋业信用报告下载 ... | |
Supporting grant* | express加速器ios下载 |
Port Dover and Area Life Line Food Bank | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Project SHARE of Niagara Falls | |
Food bank | 5,000 |
Rainbow Railroad | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Redeemer University College | |
Music Scholarship | 1,000 |
excess加速器购 | 2,000 |
限定:excess loan 每次发言 限定 在15分钟之内。Speeches were limited to 15 minutes each. 加速臂向前(后) 转动 限定 面 площадка ограничения разворота рычага досылателя вперёд назад 限定 力(与运动方向相垂直的) вынуждающие силы ... | |
Post-Secondary Access and Success Network* | 50,000 |
Riverdale Women's Empowerment Group/The John Howard Society | |
Weekly support group* | 2,000 |
Robert Land Community Association | |
Eva Rothwell Centre | 2,000 |
Supporting grant | 4,400 |
Robert Land Community Association/Eva Rothwell Centre | |
Food closet and outdoor program | 7,000 |
Rotary Club of Hamilton Sunshine Fund | |
Healthy Cooking on a Budget | 5,000 |
Wever CORE Kids | 10,000 |
Royal Botanical Gardens | |
Children's programs | 2,500 |
Rose garden bed | 25,000 |
Supporting grant | 11,828 |
Supporting grant* | 3,988 |
Royal Canadian Humane Association | |
Supporting grant* | 3,719 |
Royal Conservatory of Music | |
Supporting grant | 300 |
Rygiel Supports for Community Living | |
Supporting grant | 2,336 |
Supporting grant* | 3,580 |
Salal Foundation | |
express加速器ios下载 | excess加速器安装教程 |
The Salvation Army Hamilton Booth Centre | |
Dundas food bank | excess加速器安装教程 |
2021政府工作报告双语全文[3] - China Daily:2021-3-18 · 3月5日,李克强总理《政府工作报告》双语全文。 三、2021年重点工作 III. The major areas of work for 2021 今年是全面建成小康社会决胜阶段的开局之年,也是推进结构性改革的攻坚之年。 | 19,850 |
New Choices | 1,800 |
New Choices* | 3,500 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 1,736 |
Salvation Army Simcoe Community Church | |
Dunnville food bank | 5,000 |
Scientists in School | |
STEM Enrichment | 10,000 |
Scleroderma Society of Canada | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Scleroderma Society of Ontario | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
Scouts Canada - Central Ontario Service Centre | |
Supporting grant | 250 |
Shakespearience Performing Arts | |
School programs | 4,000 |
School programs* | 3,000 |
立马加速器 | |
Counselling Assistance Fund | excess加速器安装教程 |
Sheridan College, Oakville Campus | |
Music, Theatre, Performance Program | 500 |
Shriners Hospitals for Children | |
Supporting grant | 1,168 |
The Simcoe Caring Cupboard | |
Food bank | 5,000 |
Skills for Change | |
Bridging the Gap* | 15,000 |
Small Change Fund | |
Supporting grant | 30,000 |
Social Planning & Research Council of Hamilton | |
excessⅴpn安卓 | 6,370 |
Ontario Knowledge Network for Student Well-Being* | 3,400 |
Soaring Spirit Festival* | 2,699 |
Society of our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (Canada) | |
Supporting grant | 立马加速器 |
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Ontario Regional Council | |
Ridgeway food baskets | 5,000 |
Soroptimist International of Hamilton-Burlington | |
Live Your Dream | 5,000 |
St. Andrew's United Church | |
Soup for the Soul | 2,000 |
St. David's Presbyterian Church | |
立马加速器 | 2,000 |
St. Jerome's University | |
Supporting grant | 4,000 |
St. Joseph's Healthcare Foundation | |
Macrophages and fibrotic lung disease* | 30,000 |
Mental health services at West 5th location | 10,000 |
Supporting grant | excess加速器购 |
手机搜狐网:手机搜狐网,懂手机,更懂你!手机搜狐是国内最大的移动门户之一,利用搜狐门户矩阵资源,内容覆盖新闻、财经、体育、娱乐、汽车、房产、图库、视频等资讯,为10亿手机用户打造随时随地的掌上资讯生活。手机搜狐网,手机搜狐触版- m.sohu.com | 5,000 |
St. Joseph's Home Care | |
Supporting grant* | 13,000 |
St. Joseph's Villa Foundation | |
Enhancing care* | 19,244 |
Supporting grant | 30,000 |
St. Matthew's House | |
Adopt-a-Family Program | 5,000 |
Supporting grant | 18,457 |
St. Patrick's Parish | |
Supporting grant | 40,271 |
St. Raphael's Parish Church | |
Supporting grant | 6,000 |
Start2Finish | |
Junior Coaches Program* | excess加速器购 |
Running & Reading Club | 8,000 |
Running & Reading Club* | 16,000 |
Stoney Creek Community Food Bank | |
Supporting grant | 5,000 |
The Stop Community Food Centre | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
Strata Montessori Adolescent School | |
Supporting grant | 3,018 |
Streetlight Ministries | |
excess加速器购 | 2,000 |
Student Open Circles | |
express加速器ios下载 | 10,700 |
Supporting grant | 1,472 |
Swim, Drink, Fish Canada | |
Supporting grant | 648 |
excessⅴpn下载/Special Olympics Ontario Inc. | |
Swim lessons* | 1,700 |
Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
Tastebuds/Social Planning & Research Council of Hamilton | |
express加速器ios下载 | 5,051 |
Telling Tales | |
Community outreach | 2,000 |
Community outreach* | 8,000 |
立马加速器 | 3,000 |
In-school program* | 3,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 25,000 |
Tetra Society of North America | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 3,500 |
The National Ballet of Canada | |
Supporting grant | 500 |
Theatre Ancaster | |
Supporting grant* | 5,858 |
Theatre Aquarius | |
Indigenous Arts Program | 2,500 |
Newcomer Arts program | 3,000 |
Ovation Outreach Enrollment Program | 5,000 |
Supporting grant | 4,500 |
Threshold School of Building | |
Job developer | 20,000 |
Supporting grant | 10,000 |
Community Navigator* | 10,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 8,800 |
Oasis Program* | 6,000 |
Supporting grant | 10,000 |
Luminato | |
Supporting grant | 300 |
Toronto International Film Festival | |
Supporting grant | 300 |
Trinity Presbyterian Church | |
Repeat Champions* | 1,500 |
express加速器ios下载 | |
Supporting grant* | 250 |
TVOntario | |
express加速器ios下载 | 438 |
The Tyndale Foundation | |
Supporting grant | 2,336 |
United Way Halton & Hamilton | |
Supporting grant | 15,133 |
University of Guelph | |
Bursaries | 4,000 |
University of Notre Dame | |
Supporting grant | 100 |
University of St. Michael's College | |
excess加速器购 | 4,000 |
University of Toronto | |
President's Club | 1,000 |
Urquhart Butterfly Garden/Conserver Society of Hamilton & District, Inc. | |
Summer educational program* | 2,280 |
excess加速器安装教程 | |
Green Shield Canada Six 4 Six | excess加速器安装教程 |
Victoria Foundation | |
excess加速器安装教程 | 立马加速器 |
Victorian Order of Nurses - Hamilton Branch | |
excess加速器安装教程 | excess加速器购 |
Meals on Wheels* | 20,000 |
Village Theatre (Waterdown) Inc. | |
express加速器ios下载 | 5,858 |
立马加速器 | |
Supporting grant | 1,500 |
WE Charity | |
Schools in Rongena, Kenya | excessⅴpn安卓 |
Supporting grant | 25,000 |
Welcome Inn Community Centre of Hamilton | |
Community Christmas | 2,150 |
Educational programming | 5,500 |
Neighbourhood small grants* | 2,880 |
New Horizons Thrift Store training program* | express加速器ios下载 |
Wellwood Resource Centre of Hamilton | |
Alumni Family Days* | 5,000 |
Children's program | 5,000 |
Curveball | 5,000 |
Kids in the Kitchen/Power Up | 10,000 |
Supporting grant* | 5,979 |
Wesley Urban Ministries | |
Christmas and holiday store | 1,000 |
Food Service Training Program* | 25,000 |
Snacks for afterschool programs* | 10,000 |
Supporting grant | 6,538 |
West Lincoln Community Care | |
Smithville food bank | 5,000 |
Westdale Cinema Group | |
Neighbourhood small grants* | 500 |
Projection room reconstruction | 25,000 |
Westdale Theatre renovation | 5,000 |
Wever CORE/McMaster University | |
McMaster Trip* | 4,000 |
express加速器ios下载/Rotary Club of Hamilton Sunshine Fund | |
Community Christmas party | 2,500 |
Supporting grant* | 7,829 |
Youth Achieves/Leaders in Training/Arabic Speaking Navigator programs* | 13,700 |
Windmill Microlending | |
Supporting grant | 50,000 |
WindsorEssex Community Foundation | |
Green Shield Canada Six 4 Six | excess加速器安装教程 |
excessⅴpn下载 | |
Supporting grant | 1,000 |
Word & Deed Ministries Canada Inc. | |
Supporting grant | 2,000 |
Workers Arts & Heritage Centre | |
School Visits Program | 1,500 |
YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/Brantford | |
excessⅴpn下载 | 10,000 |
excess加速器购 | 10,000 |
Camp Wanakita | 4,000 |
excessⅴpn下载 | 1,000 |
Camp Wanakita outripping equipment | 19,898 |
Farah Family Youth Peace Scholarship | 5,000 |
Peace Medal Breakfast | 5,000 |
York University | |
excessⅴpn下载 | 3,595 |
Youth and Philanthropy Initiative Canada | |
excess加速器购 | 35,000 |
Women4Change Youth Engagement Award* | 5,000 |
YWCA Hamilton | |
A Holiday to Remember | 3,000 |
Food for Thought* | 15,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 1,000 |
excess加速器安装教程 | 200 |
全新 Mercedes-Benz A-Class 登陆大马,入门22万伌吉起 ...:2021-6-12 · 2021 Mercedes-Benz A200 Progressive Line Mercedes-Benz Malaysia终于在今天于本地发布了全新伋号W177的A-Class,来到第四伋的新A-Class在本地暂时只有两个等级,分别 ... | 5,000 |
Transitional Living Program | 5,000 |